ESE 601 Week 1 Assignment

By cpcorne
  • Board of Education v. Rowley

    Board of Education v. Rowley
    Rowley was a deaf student in the state of New York. Two weeks after Amy's IEP was developed her interpreter reported that she did not need his services and she had to rely on a wireless hearing aid and her lip reading for the rest of the school year. Her parents felt this was unfair and when their appeal was denied they filed a suit against the school. The judge ruled she was being denied FAPE. The school appealed to the Supreme Court with the argument that she was still successful with the aid.
  • Timothy W v. Rochester, NH

    1983 - Timothy was a child located in New Hampshire and was deemed "uneducable" by two professionals even after his own pediatrician and several others claimed otherwise. The school board denied Timothy because of his severe disabilities twice and his lawyer took it to the district court. Professionals deemed him "uneducable" and denied again. The First Circut Court of Appeals ultimately reversed this decision in 1989. Timothy was said to still benefit from physical and occupational therapy.
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    Americans with Disabilities Act
    This act protects people with disabilities from discrimination in the workplace and public places. Employers with 15+ employees have to provide qualified individuals an equal opportunity for employment. This keeps employers from asking questions about their disability before making a job offer. ADA also ensures access to public transportation without discrimination including complying with accessibility features.
  • Honig v Doe

    This was about a disabled student in California that had violent tendencies when upset. The local school board tried to expell the student indefinitely due to these outbursts rather than providing their services to the student. The Supreme Court confirmed that it's the state's responsibility to provide services directly to the student when the local board fails to do so.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act
    IDEA is considered to be one of the most important laws to be passed regarding Special Education. The IDEA consists of guaranteeing a free and appropriate public education, nondiscriminatory assessment, creating a less restrictive environment, IEPs, parent participation, and procedural safeguards. These are all things that teachers and service providers should be able to do when teaching students with disabilities. (McLeskey, 2018).