
Establishing English Colonies in America

  • First English Expedition to Roanake

    First English Expedition to Roanake
    John White traveled to Roanoke, an island off of North Carolina. Later, he became governor of Roanoke and brought more settlers.
  • Failure of the First Colony

    Failure of the First Colony
    The people in Roanoke were relying on Native Americans for food, but the Native Americans cut off their food supply when they noticed the colonists were taking their land. The colonists eventually went back to England.
  • Raleigh Tries Again

    Raleigh Tries Again
    John White convinced Raleigh to try and establish the Ronoke colony again. The result was disastrous. All the colonists disappeared; no one knows for sure what happened to them.
  • Spanish Armada Defeated

    Spanish Armada Defeated
    The English defeated the Spanish Armada. This inspired th English to take over land in America.
  • The Sagadahoc Colony

    The Sagadahoc Colony
    The English tried again to make a colony in America.The colonists found a place at the mouth of the Kennebec River in Miane. Within the first year, arguments among each other and Native Americans, food shortages, and a harsh winter sent settlers back to England.
  • Jamestown is Founded

    Jamestown is Founded
    The Virginia Company of London financed an expedition to Chesapeake Bay that included more than 100 colonists. They sailed along the James River until they found a place to settle.They named their first permanent settlement Jamestown in honor of King James.
  • Jamestown Hardships

    Jamestown Hardships
    The colonists in Jamestown endured many hardships. Malaria-carrying mosquitoes made the colonists sick. They also became sick from drinking polluted river water. The settlers also wasted their time looking for gold and riches instead of getting food and making shelter.
  • Jamestown Grows

    Jamestown Grows
    By January, only 38 colonist were alive. John Smith took over and made the settlers work. He told the colonists if they didn't work, they didn't eat.
  • The Starving Time

    The Starving Time
    The colonists in Jamestown were trading with the Powhatan tribe. More colonists came and kept taking land, so the Powhatan stopped trading with them.The colonists didn't have much food, so during the starving time the colonists ate rice, mice, and snakes. The starving time ended in1610 when Lord De La Warr imposed discipline when he became governor.
  • The House of Burgesses

    The House of Burgesses
    Colonists in Jamestown became annoyed with the governor who represented them in London. The Virginia company decided bugesses,or elected representatives, would represent them. The House of Burgesses became the first representative assembly in the colonies.