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    European convention on human rights (1950)

    Protects the human rights of people in countries that belong to the council of Europe.
    this relates to equality, diversity, discrimination and inclusion because people will get the mutual respect, trust and understanding that they have to get without being judged on who they are or where they came from.
    this protects and benefits the service user because they wont feel discriminated and will be able to get medical care in any country that belongs to the European council.
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    National conventions on the rights of the child (1989)

    An agreement that sets out the civil, political, economical, social and cultural rights of every child, no matter what their ethnicity, gender, religion, language, abilities or any other status is.
    this will relate to equality and diversity because all children will have the same rights and wont feel any kind of discrimination.
    it will protect and benefit the service user because children will be protected from any kind of abuse, harm or discrimination and will be safe.
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    human rights act (1998)

    human rights act protects all of us and provides guaranteed freedom no matter who we are.
    this will relate to equality and diversity because people will be equal because everyone have to follow the same laws, they wont feel any kind of discrimination and will feel safe.
    it will benefit the service user because people will be treated fairly with feeling discriminated
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    equality act (2010)

    the equality act combines over 116 separate pieces of legislation into one act that protects the rights of individuals and gives equal opportunities for everyone.
    this relates to equality, diversity, discrimination and inclusion because people will have the same opportunities without being discriminated or judged.
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    care act (2014)

    The care act was about changing the previous law about the way careers and patients are being cared for, with placing new obligations on local authorities to make sure that adults receive support that is suitable for them.