European Timeline

  • Period: to


  • Bologna Masscare

    Bologna Masscare
    The bombing on Bologna railway station in Italy killing around 85 people kills some of the best right winged men in the bombing.
    EQ: It ruined transport from place to place.
  • Economic Problems in Ireland

    Economic problems in Ireland which decrease the Un-employment rate and no money.
    EQ: It affected the today economy of Ireland. href='http://' ></a>Large
  • Soviet Submarines in Sweden Waters

    Soviet Unionthe Soviet Union and Europe where fighting in World War 2 and Soviet submarines entered European waters in Sweden war was at large.
    EQ: It started war in Europe.
  • FalkLand Wars

    Falkland WarArgentina attacks the United KIngdom and forces the UK to re-take their freedom. They were fighting over seawaters.
    EQ: Took UKs Independence.
  • European Un-Emplyoment

    Unemploymentthe Un-Employment rate of Europe increases because of violence and killings.
    EQ: Killed many people from everywhere.
  • Bettino Craxi

    Bettino CraxiBettino Craxi becomes first Prime Minister since the First World War.
    EQ: He was famous for being the first since War.
  • Pierre Trudeau

    Pierre TrudeauPierre becomes Prie MInister for the 4th time.
    EQ: Made many people happy to see him again.
  • I.R.A Attempt

    Attemptthe I.R.A attempts to assinate Margrat Thatcher in her hotel room, and they do not suceed to bomb it.
    EQ: KIlled many people but her.
  • Anglo- Irish Agreement

    AgreementAnglo- Irish makes an agreement to help fight problems between countries.
    EQ: It is still here today to help economic problems.
  • Olof Palme Assination

    Assination of Olof PalmeOlof Palme was assinated by one shot from a bullet and killed immediately.
    EQ: It ruined many peoples lives because of economy problems.
  • EEU in Portugal

    EEUPortugal becomes part of the EEU to be safe and put up borders.
    EQ: helped vilonece threats and kept the country safe.
  • Election of Thatcher

    Election of ThatcherThatcher relected due to economy and had a reduced election of the vote.
    EQ: made many protests over it.
  • Pan Am Flgiht 103

    Pan Am Flight 103Killing and injuring around 259 people it ruined everyones day, In scotland the crash was a huge change in Europe.
    EQ: Ruined many lifes and stopped flights for hours.
  • Hillsborough Diaster

    Hillsborough DisasterA human crush in England at a football game killed and injured around 766 and destroyed the stadium.
    EQ: killed so many people and ruined all the money put into the park.
  • Berlin Wall Destroyed

    Berlin WallConstructed by the German Republic, then destroyed in 1989, the end of World Wars a great day to be alive.
    EQ: if it was still here today it may have affected traffic, and made people feel like they were in jail.