Events Leading to the Civil War

  • Checks and Balances

    Checks and Balances
    Checks and Balances were created to assure balance and fairness. Seperation of Powers between the legislative, judicial and executive branches of government were put in place so that none of them become more powerful than the rest. Each branch limits another, so each branch is responsible to the assertion of powers.
  • Abolitionists

    -Abolitionism was a movement to end slavery. whether formal or informal, of the African and Indian slave trade and set slaves free.
    -The movement began in 1830s
  • The Great Debate

    The Great Debate
    -The Anti-Federalists and Federalists couldn't come to an agreement concerning the Bill of Rights; Federalists believed it wasn't necessary while anti-federalists thought it was because the risk of citizens being oppressed.
    -The Anti-Federalists were responsible for the creation of the Bill Of RIghts
    -After the Constitution was enacted, 12 amendments was sent to the states by Congress; 10 of which were ratified into the Bill Of Rights,
  • Industrialization

    -Industrialization is defined as the period of social and economic change. Rural societies became urbann/industrial.
    -The textile industry was directly affected by industrialization.
  • manifest destiny

    manifest destiny
    the 19th-century doctrine or belief that the expansion of the US throughout the American continents was both justified and inevitable
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    This event created territory for Kansas & Nebraska; leaving land open for settlement.
    -They used popular sovereignty to determine in which territories slavery would be allowed.
  • CIvil War Diseases

    CIvil War Diseases
    -Bilious Remittent Fever: also referred to as relapsing fever, with symptoms such as vomiting and diahrrea
    -Typhoid fever: life threatening illness, often caused by consumption or contact with Salmonella
  • Anaconda Plan

    Anaconda Plan
    -The Anaconda Plan was a strategy to strangle the Southern Confederacy.
    -The plan was fabricated by Union General Winfield Scott in 1861.
    -They planned to close all Southern ports in efforts to create a blockade the entire South so that it would disrupt their economy and prevent them from recieving essential military supplies. Next, they intended to move down the Mississippi River with roughly 80,000, effecting every major city and port. The idea was to split the Confederacy in half.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    The Emancipation Proclamation was issued by president Abraham Lincoln. It dec;ared all slaves free as of January first, 1863. It only applied to states that had seceded from the Union. The freedom slaves were reassured was, in all reality, basaed upon the victory of the Union military.
  • Sherman's March to the Sea

    Sherman's March to the Sea
    -Union General T. Sherman Williams led roughly 60,000 soldiers along the distance from Atlanta to Savannah, Georgia. A total of 285 miles these men walked in efforts to frighten the population of Georgia into refraining from the Confederacy.
    -September 6th, 1864, General Sherman's troops captured the industrial center of the Confederacy; Atlanta. Where there were factories and warehouses that supplied the Confederacy.
    -After Atlanta they headed to Tenessee and Alabama.