Events leading up to War of 1812

  • Impressment

    The British begin taking American sailors hostage and stealing from their ships.
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Battle of Trafalgar
    The Battle of Trafalgar is fought off the coast of Spain. Britain defeats the combined fleets of Spain and France, securing British control of the Atlantic for the next century.
  • James Madison on Impressment

    James Madison on Impressment
    James Madison delivered a report about British interference and impressment of sailors.
  • Pinkney's Treaty

    Pinkney's Treaty
    William Pinkney negotiates a treaty with Great Britain in an attempt to improve trade and decrease tensions.
  • British Fire

    British Fire
    British ships fire at the Chesapeake causing an international incident.
  • Embargo

    Thomas Jefferson imposes an embargo act on Great Britain.
  • Madison Elected

    James Madison elected President on December 7th, 1808.
  • No More Embargo

    Thomas Jefferson realizes the embargo act is causing major problems for America and has it appealed.
  • Non-Intercourse Act

    Thomas Jefferson signs the Non-Intercourse Act, pssed by Congress to replace the embargo passed in December 1807.
  • James Madison

    James Madison is inaugurated President of the United States.