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Events of 9/11

By KT3245
  • Towers destroyed

    Towers destroyed
    Two air plans crash into the world trade center, also know as the twin tower. It was an act of teriosim. It changed the United States forever.
  • Flight 175

    Flight 175
    On September 11, 2001 United Airlines flight 175 was planned to fly from Boston to Los Angeles. The plane was highjacked by a group of terroist. They flew the plane into South tower of the World Trade Center.
  • Flight 11

    Flight 11
    Flight 11On September 11. 2001 another plane was hijacked.
    This flight was planned to go from Boston to Los Angles the same as flight 175. It was taken over by the same terorist group. This plane crashed into North tower of the World Trade center.
  • Flight 77

    Flight 77
    Flight 77
    On September 11, 2001 there was another plane that was high jacked by the same teriost group. The flight was planned to fly from Virginia to Los Angeled. The plane was took over and they crashed it into the pentagon.
  • Flight 93

    Flight 93
    Flight 93
    This flight was aslo hijacked by teroist. This plane was planed to go from New Jersey to California. The terorists were planning to crash this plane into the white house, instead the plane crashed into a field.
  • Nation was shocked

    Nation was shocked
    The United States was shocked by 9/11. It was a big test for are airports. This change are nation forever and will never be forgotten.
  • Killed

    On September 11, 2001 they astamate that 2,996 people died. They think that there could be up to 500 more people that died than that. They never came out with the number of people that were hurt.
  • Pentagon

    The Pentagon was also destroyed on 9/11. The pentagon was one of are nation most known monuments. It was later restored but it was a really sad day.
  • Terrorists

    The act of 9/11 was an act of terrorists against the United States. The terrorists group was Al-Qaeda. The groups man leader was Osama Ben Landa. It was to get back at the United States.
  • American Heroes

    American Heroes
    Most people wont consider the date of 9/11 to have heroes. But the fire fighters, police, and all the people that helped out are heroes. A lot more people could of died if all these people wont have helped out like they did.
  • Rebuild

    All of the events that happend on 9/11 one year later there was cleanup being done. The pentagon was being rebuilt and all the mess was mostly picked up. Most of the damage can never be restored because it was the death of people.
  • Justice has been Served

    Justice has been Served
    On May 2, 2011 Osama Bin Laden was killed by US troops. Obama came out with a statement that said justice has been served. He was taken out by US troops at his house. It was a great day for America to take out one of the main leaders of 9/11
  • Sercurity

    9/11 took a huge impact on the United Stated. Since 9/11 security has been upgraded so much. We take security more serious so something like that doesnt happen again. Over all the United States have became safer since after 9/11
  • Remebering

    In 2025 9/11 will still have a huge impacted on people lives. It was a tragic day that no one will forget for a long time. The memories of the people will live in peoples hearts forever.
  • 50th Aniversery

    50th Aniversery
    On September 11. 2051 it will be the 50th aniversery of 9/11. It will be a huge day for America. It will be a happy day for not having another day like that and remembering all of those heroes that helped that day. It will also be a very sad day also for all the people that died that day or were really affected by 9/11.