I want you for the u.s. army

Events that led to WW 2 - Alexander G. & Tristen R.

  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    A treaty that ended WW 1. It forced Germany to disarm its army and pay war repurations.
  • The League of Nations Problem

    The League of Nations Problem
    Lacked an army and therefore couldn't regulate its members. Thus causing WW 2 to break out.
  • Hitler comes to power

    Hitler comes to power
    Adolf Hitler is named chancellor of Germany. Giving Nazi's full power over Germany. After this Hitler kills all political opponents.
  • Remilitarization of the Rhinelands

    Remilitarization of the Rhinelands
    It moved German troops into parts of western Germany where they were not allowed. This set them up for thier western European conquests.
  • Munich Agrement

    Munich Agrement
    Agreement that incorperated the Sudetenlands into the Recih. The Sudetenlands was a German region inside Czechoslavakia along the German border.
  • Soviet-Japenese Border War

    Soviet-Japenese Border War
    The Japenese attack the Mongolian people's republic and beaten by the Soviet units. Japan looked south to expand its empire, leading to conflict with the U.S.
  • Danzig Crisis

    Danzig Crisis
    The German and Soviet forces invade Danzig. The Napeolonic city form Prussia.
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    It was a joint invasion by the German and Soviets to take Poland. This officially started WW 2.
  • Invasion of Soviet Union

    Invasion of Soviet Union
    Hitler believed the soviet Union can be defeated quickly. So he capitalized on the Soviet Unions ill prepared state.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    Without prior decleration of war the Imperial Japenese Navy attacked Pearl Harbor. They wanted to destroy the main American fleet at port.