Evoloution Timeline

  • (5 BYA) Sun

    (5 BYA) Sun
    Evidence from computer models of the sun shows that our solar system is a swirling mass of gas and dust.
  • (4.6 BYA) Collisions in Space

    (4.6 BYA) Collisions in Space
    Earth grew larger as gravity pulled in more debris. Collisions between earth and space also released a great amount of thermal energy.
  • (4 BYA) Earth

    (4 BYA) Earth
    Estimated age of the Earth is about 700,000 times as long as the period of recorded history. It is about 50 million times as long as the average human life span.
  • (4 BYA) Cellular Life

    (4 BYA) Cellular Life
    Four billion years ago, the world was populated by archaeal species, such as Methanosarcina barkeri, which was cellular life that produced methane during metabolism.
  • (3.5 BYA) Lynbgya

    (3.5 BYA) Lynbgya
    Three and a half billion years ago Lynbgya inhabited the Earth. They were cells that often grew in colonies and formed layered structures called stromatolites.
  • (3 BYA) Photosynthedic Life

    (3 BYA) Photosynthedic Life
    Some forms of life had become photosynthetic by three billion years ago.
  • (2.2 BYA) Earth

    (2.2 BYA) Earth
    Earth appeared much as it does today.
  • (2 BYA) Oxygen

    (2 BYA) Oxygen
    O2 levels reached today’s levels.
  • (1.5 BYA) Prokaryote

    (1.5 BYA) Prokaryote
    The type of aeorobic prokaryote was engulfed by and began to live and be produced inside of a larger anaerobic prokaryote.
  • (1 BYA) Ozone Formed

    (1 BYA) Ozone Formed
    Ozone (O3) formed – protected organisms from harmful UV rays so they could exist on land
  • Spallanzani's experiment (1700s)

    Spallanzani's experiment (1700s)
    spallanzani showed that broth that locked out bacteria stayed clear while broth with and open lid turned foggy, furthering the results that reddi showed.
  • Sidney Fox (1900s)

    Sidney Fox (1900s)
    n the early 1900s Sidney fox showed that cells can grow spontaneously from a chemical mixture. These structures are microspheres and coacervates.
  • Oraphin (1900s)

    Oraphin (1900s)
    Also in the early 1900s Oraphin said that at high temperatures gasses form simple chemical compounds.
  • Thomas Cech (1980)

    Thomas Cech (1980)
    In the 1980s Thomas cech showed that ribosomes can act as an enzyme to start the chemical reaction.
  • Pasteur experiment (1800s)

    Pasteur experiment (1800s)
    In the 1800s Pasteur rejected these thoughts by making a flask with an open lid but it was curved so the bacteria that entered the flask was pushed down by gravity, and the flask stayed clear. Then when he cut of the top, the next day the flask was foggy.
  • Lynn Margulis (1938)

    Lynn Margulis (1938)
    In the late 1930s lynn margulis created the theory endosymbiosis which says that prokaryotic cells have a mutual beneficial relationship.
  • Radiometric dating (1900s)

    Radiometric dating (1900s)
    scientists use radiometric dating to test the age of certain objects such as rocks, giving an estimate of the age of earth.
  • microscope (1665)

    microscope (1665)
    In 1665 the light microscope was created by hooke, discovering cells.
  • Reddis experiments (1668)

    Experiments from reddi disproved the common belief of spontaneous generation and showed that all living things come from other living things by showing that maggots only were born when the meat was in contact with flies
  • Urey and Miller (1900)

    Urey and Miller (1900)
    Then Urey and miller put this hypothesis to test. Their experiment proved his hypothesis correct.