Evolution of business page 1

Evolution of Business

By Doug B
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    This era sparked a change in manufacturing processes for the better. Rather than simply doing things manually by hand, Americans now used machines to get their work done. Business is better today because technology has increased greatly, so that thousands of products can be manufactured at a time.
  • Reconstruction Era/Post Civil War Era

    Reconstruction Era/Post Civil War Era
    The time period immediately following the Civil War where an effort was made to rebuild the war-devastated South. During this period, several key events moved former slaves toward or away from full citizenship (equality with whites). African Americans often gained rights only to have them limited or taken away. Congress approves the 15th Amendment (adopted in 1870), which guaranteed that a citizen’s right to vote would not be denied on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
  • Technological Revolution

    Technological Revolution
    Alexander Graham Bell's notebook entry of 10 March 1876 described his successful experiment with the telephone. Speaking through the instrument to his assistant, Thomas A. Watson, in the next room, Bell utterd the famous first words by telephone, "Mr. Watson -- come here -- I want to see you." That simple telephone then grew to switchboards, rotary phones, partylines, payphones, multi-lines for businesses, and cell phones that we carry everyday for personal and business use.
  • Production Era

    Production Era
    Henry Ford gave birth to this era with his famous line of cars. Businesses were beginning to use scientific methods to determine how to handle various forms of production. This included using statistics and different specialists to determine how to utilize mass production. Businesses today constantly look for ways to make production more efficent, particularly in office and medical work.
  • Marketing Era/Economic Recovery/Post WWII Era

    Marketing Era/Economic Recovery/Post WWII Era
    This era caused businesses to use the tactic of aiming to satisfy the needs and wants of a customer. By doing that, they were able to create profit, and this is what primarily drives modern-day markets. Businesses use commericials; advertisements and sponsorships; sales and promotions; public relations; and word-of-mouth techniques to get their products out there. Also, because of this era, businesses spend millions of dollars on advertisements today.
  • Globalization

    During this particular era, there were increases in communications globally, as well as with international trade, and moving capital around. This paved the way for many practices that businesses use today, such as outsourcing to underdeveloped countries to save costs and also creating new markets. In the late 19th and early 20th century, the connectedness of the world's economies and cultures grew very quickly.
  • Information Age/Computer Age/Digital Age/New Media Age

    Information Age/Computer Age/Digital Age/New Media Age
    By using computers and the internet, even the smallest business can compete with much larger and successful brand names. Additionally, advertising is used in various forms, whether on the television, or that 15 second ad right before you watch a youtube video. Computers, computerized machinery, fiber optics, communication satellites, and Internet - became a significant part of the economy. Microcomputers were developed and many businesses and industries were greatly changed.