Evolution of Training

  • Pre WWII - Vestibule Training

    Classroom training took focus in the early part of the 20th century placing emphasis on improving the benefits to the employee and the organization. By introducing vestibule training, employees were trained "as close to the factory floor as feasible and contained the same equipment that the worker would use on the job" (Estep, 2008) Reference: Biech, E. (Ed.). (2008). ASTD handbook for workplace learning professionals. Alexandria, VA: ASTD.
  • WWII - Systematic Training

    The war years created a need for training based on the needed amount of workers. The systematic training approach was introduced to create a needed format trainers and designers to follow. "Training designers created learning goals by breaking down tasks into subtasks, and training was designed to reward correct behaviors and remediate incorrect behaviors" (Estep, 2008). Reference: Biech, E. (Ed.). (2008). ASTD handbook for workplace learning professionals. Alexandria, VA: ASTD
  • 1950's - Programmed Instruction

    Programmed instruction brings a new method for meeting the needs of each student through "individualized instruction" (Estep, 2008). Reference: Biech, E. (Ed.). (2008). ASTD handbook for workplace learning professionals. Alexandria, VA: ASTD
  • 1956 - Bloom's Taxonomy

    1956 - Bloom's Taxonomy
    In 1956, Bloom's taxonomy was introduced. This method of instructional design provided a "classification of learning objectives" (Estep, 2008) in three categories: cognitive, psychomotor, and affective outcomes.
    Reference: Biech, E. (Ed.). (2008). ASTD handbook for workplace learning professionals. Alexandria, VA: ASTD The Peak Performance Center. (n.d.) Blooms Taxonomy. Image retrieved from http://thepeakperformancecenter.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Blooms-Tamonomy.jpg
  • 1960's - Organization Development & Human Performance Improvement

    Organization Development (OD) introduced a "values-based approach to systems change in organizations and communities" (Estep, 2008). The Human Performance Improvement strived to help organizations by focusing on the employees and how their daily activities impact the overall organization success. Reference: Biech, E. (Ed.). (2008). ASTD handbook for workplace learning professionals. Alexandria, VA: ASTD
  • 1970's - Sociotechnical Systems

    Training began to shift from a people only focus in the 1970s with the focus on social and technical concepts. The sociotechnical-systems theory showed that "the interaction of both social and technical factors support or hinder the successful functioning of an organization" (Estep, 2008). Reference: Biech, E. (Ed.). (2008). ASTD handbook for workplace learning professionals. Alexandria, VA: ASTD
  • 1980's - Assertiveness Training

    The economy, or lack there of, began to take on a toll on organizations to include training departments. The workforce dynamic began to change and training had to follow suit creating new methods to address the change population. One method included assertiveness training sharing ways to successfully navigate the new work environment. Reference: Biech, E. (Ed.). (2008). ASTD handbook for workplace learning professionals. Alexandria, VA: ASTD
  • 1990's - Technology & E-Learning

    1990's - Technology & E-Learning
    Training program changes in the 1990's were at an all time high due to the advances in technology. The concept of e-learning was introduced creating new opportunities for learners to complete their learning online, at their convenience and "their own pace" (Estep, 2008). Reference: Biech, E. (Ed.). (2008). ASTD handbook for workplace learning professionals. Alexandria, VA: ASTD
    Flickr. (n.d.) Elearning image retrieved https://c1.staticflickr.com/3/2921/14380476210_4a66ee14a2_b.jpg