Exploration and Colonization

  • Period: 1035 to Sep 9, 1087

    William the Conqueror

    Largely responsible for eventually making Britain the most powerful nation in Europe. As a child, he was set to the throne after the death of the duke; he was saw a lot of brutality then. As young duke,he became a ruthless leader killing off rebels, establishing Normandy as a powerful state. He starts to cater for the noble in which he creates an aristocracy, and slowly killing off the poor through starvation.
  • 1215

    Magna Carta

    A written legal agreement signed in 1215 limiting the King's power
  • Period: 1451 to May 20, 1506

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer, navigator, and colonizer. four trips across the Atlantic Ocean from Spain: in 1492, 1493, 1498 and 1502. He was determined to find a direct water route west from Europe to Asia, but he never did. Instead, he accidentally stumbled upon the Americas
  • Period: Mar 9, 1454 to Feb 22, 1512

    Amerigo Vespucci

    Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci is best known for his namesake: the continents of North and South America. He realized the land he was exploring was a separate continent and not part of Asia.
  • 1492

    Columbian Exchange

    Columbian Exchange
    The interchange of plants, animals , and diseases between the Old and New World
  • 1507

    New World named after Amerigo Vespucci

    America was named after Amerigo Vespucci, an explorer who first recognized that the lands in the New World were previously unknown.
  • 1513

    Balboa discovers the Pacific Ocean

    Vasco Núñez de Balboa on the coast of the Isthmus of Panama in 1513, while leading an expedition in search of gold, he sighted the Pacific Ocean
  • Period: 1517 to

    Protestant Reformation

    The Protestant Reformation was major 16th century European movement aimed initially at reforming the beliefs and practices of the Roman Catholic Church.
  • Period: 1519 to 1521

    Cortes Conquers Mexico

    Hernan Cortés captures the Aztec Empire and conquers Europe.
  • Period: Aug 10, 1519 to 1521

    Magellan sails around the world

    Ferdinand Magellan had not intended to circumnavigate the world, but rather had intended only to find a secure route through which the Spanish ships could navigate to the Spice Islands. After Magellan's death, Elcano decided to push westward, thereby completing the first known voyage around the world.
  • 1533

    Pizarro conquers Peru

    In 1532, accompanied by his brothers, Pizarro overthrew the Inca leader Atahualpa and conquered Peru. Three years later, he founded the new capital city of Lima and conquered Peru .
  • Period: Sep 7, 1533 to

    Queen Elizabeth I

    AKA "The Virgin Queen", Elizabeth I was the long-ruling queen of England, governing with relative stability and prosperity for 44 years in which the Elizabethan era was named after her.
  • Defeat of Spanish Armada

    Defeat of Spanish Armada
    A Spanish fleet of 130 ships that sailed from La Coruña in August 1588, under the command of the Duke of Medina Sidonia with the purpose of escorting an army from Flanders to invade England.
  • Founding of Jamestown, Virginia

    In 1607, 104 English men and boys arrived in North America to start a settlement. On May 13 they picked Jamestown, Virginia for their settlement, which was named after their King, James I. The settlement became the first permanent English settlement in North America.
  • Middle Passage

    A voyage that brought enslaved Americans crossed the Atlantic Ocean to North America
  • Establishment of Plymouth

    Established by pilgrims seeking religious freedom; 2nd permanent English Settlement
  • Period: to

    King Philips War in New England

    King Philip’s War begins when a band of Wampanoag warriors raid the border settlement of Swansee, Massachusetts, and massacre the English colonists there. Known as the most bloodiest war of Amerian History.
  • Period: to

    Glorious Revolution

    Revolution of 1688 or Bloodless Revolution was when William of Orange took the English throne from James II in 1688
  • Bill of Rights

    Gave England a government based on a system of laws that protected its citizens
  • Period: to

    French and Indian War/Seven Years War

    The French and Indian War began over the specific issue of whether the upper Ohio River valley was a part of the British Empire, and therefore open for trade and settlement by the French Empire
  • Treaty of Paris of 1763

    The French and Indian War ended with the Peace Treaty of Paris of 1763