Fetal Development

By Nakayla
  • Month 1

    Month 1
    -Baby is an embryo, consisting of two layers of cells
    - Stage for the brain and spinal cord development
    -heart begins to pump
    -the internal organs and circuatory system begin to ajust/form
    -Size, at two weeks the size of a pin head
  • Month 2

    Month 2
    -About the size of a kidney bean
    - Face, ears, eyes, and limbs begin to form
    -Bones start forming
    -Constantly moving
  • Month 3

    Month 3
    -around 7-8 centimeters long
    -weighs about the same as a pea pod
    -Nostrils, mouth, lips, and eyelids form
    -finger and toes almsot fully complete
    -all organs are their but still immature
  • Month 4

    Month 4
    -Skeleton starts to harden, from rubbery cartilage to bone
    -can suck thumb, swallow, hiccup, and move around
    -facial features, become more visible
    - about 3 inches long, weighs 1 ounce (28g) as month begins
  • Month 5

    Month 5
    -Hair, eyebrows, eyelashes appear
    -Teeth continue to develop
    - Size- about 61/2-7inches(16-18cm) long, weighs about 4--5 ounces(113-142 g) as month begins
    -organs are now maturing
  • Month 6

    Month 6
    -Size about 8-10inches (21-25cm) long
    -skin starts to smooth out; fat deposits under the skin
    - Starts breathing
  • Month 7

    Month 7
    -Size, around 10-12 inches (25-31 cm) long
    -Can open and close eyes
    weighs around 11/2-2 pounds (680-907 g) as month begins
  • Month 8

    Month 8
    Size, around 14-16inches (36-41 cm) long
    -Fast weight gain contiunes
    -lungs well developed
    -Moves into a head-down position
    -Might react to loud sounds
  • Month 9

    Month 9
    -Size around 17-18 inches (43-46 cm) long
    -Baby almost due
    -Skin smooths out as the fat deposits contiune
    -Moving around decrease as the fetus has less space to move around
    -Goes into pelvis, ready for birth