Fidel Castro

  • Date of Birth

    Date of Birth
    Event #1- Fidel Castro was born on August 13, 1926 in Birán, Cuba. Castro was the 3rd child of 6 in his family. Fidel's father, Angel, was a rich sugar plantation owner. Fidel became well known due to his father. This event is significant because this was the start of life for a famous dictator for Cuba.
  • Castro and His Rebels Take Power

    Castro and His Rebels Take Power
    Event #2- On January 1, 1959 Fidel Castro and his rebellious followers take power in Cuba. This seizure of power causes the previous ruler, Batista, to flee Cuba. Once Batista is gone, Cubans celebrate because the once hated ruler has left. Once Castro is the new leader of Cuba, he begins shaping Cuba into what it is today. This is an important event in the life of Fidel Castro because it is the start of how he began his rule as the leader of Cuba.
    Source: Sun Chronicle Newspaper
  • Fidel Castro Declares Cuba a Socialist State

    Fidel Castro Declares Cuba a Socialist State
    Event #3- Following Fidel gaining power in Cuba, he began to establish rules and regulations. One of which was declaring Cuba a socailist state. By declaring this, Castro created a close relationship with the Soviet Union. However, Fidel's relationship with the United States fell apart. This event is important because it created bad relations with the United States and it led to the great battle of the Bay of Pigs.
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion

    Bay of Pigs Invasion
    Event #4- After having bad relations with the United States, the United States tried to remove Castro from Cuba. So the U.S. set up an invasion of Cuba using 1,400 American-trained Cuban soldiers to lead their attack. Castro's troops, however, outnumbered the attackers and the invasion failed for the United States within 24 hours. This battle was a significant event in Castro's life because he was able to prove his power and control of Cuba by defending against the attackers.
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Cuban Missle Crisis
    Event #5- The Cuban Missile Crisis was a time of tension between the United States, the Soviets, and Cuba. Due to reports of Cuban missiles being found by American spy drones, American President John F Kennedy demanded Cubans and Soviets to dismantle the missiles and bases to prevent conflict. However, tensions between the 3 countries remained until both countries reached an agreement. This event is very significant because it allowed Cuba to feel more secure with the U.S.
  • Mariel Boatlift

    Mariel Boatlift
    Event #6- The Mariel Boatlift was a mass immigration of Cuban citizens to the United States. This immigration was approved by Fidel Castro allowing the Cuban people to leave the country. Nearly 125,000 people left Cuba on 1,700 boats! Castro originally allowed this immigration to happen due to the falling Cuban economy and tensions between the Cuban government. Overall this event is very important because Fidel allows his Cuban citizens freedom from his country.
  • Castro Re-emerges Into the Public Eye

    Castro Re-emerges Into the Public Eye
    Event #7- After years of hiding from the outside world Fidel Castro returns to the limelight by giving a speech regarding his country's parliament. The whole speech only lasted about 10 minutes, but a lot was said by Castro regarding Cuba and other countries. Questions still emerged from the speech about how Castro didn't mention his struggling economy in Cuba. This reappearance was very important for Castro to get his face back out to the public eye and to discuss his country.
  • Castro is Replaced by His Brother as First Secretary

    Castro is Replaced by His Brother as First Secretary
    Event #8- Fidel Castro at age 84 gives his leadership powers to his younger brother (age 79). After the announcement, both brothers are seen holding hands as a sign of friendship and brotherhood between them. It was said that although Fidel stepped down from power, he will always remain in the hearts of the Cuban people. This event is signifigant because it shows how many Cubans love Fidel and how Fidel accepted his time to step down from the leadership position.
  • Castro's Speech at the Communist Party's Seventh Congress

    Castro's Speech at the Communist Party's Seventh Congress
    Event #9- Fidel's speech at the Communist Party's Seventh Congress was a goodbye speech. During his speech, Castro mentions he is close to the end of of his life and he also states Raul (his brother) will be the highest post in command of Cuba. However due to the old Cuba leadership dying off, relations with the U.S. should return to normal soon. This event is significant in Castro's life because the speech summarized his life and how he lived as the dictator of Cuba.
  • Fidel Castro Dies

    Fidel Castro Dies
    Event #10- Fidel Castro died recently at age 90. His death brought about mixed emotions of happiness and sadness that was felt all around the world. Some were sad that such a famous Cuban figure passed away and some celebrated the death and "freedom" from Castro's rule over them. Overall, Fidel Castro should be remembered as a famous Cuban dictator that led the Cuban military and shaped Cuba into what it has become today.
    Source:Sun Chronicle Newspaper