Film History

By Ishmell
  • First Film Ever Made

    The first film ever made was created because of a bet. The bet was about if horses feet leave the ground all at one time. It was created with multiple cameras and putting them together to make a single motion picture.
  • First Motion Picture Film

    First motion picture film to be viewed in public was the black smith film. Earliest known example with actors performing a role. Was made possible because of the first fully functional motion picture camera made by Thomas Edison.
  • Le Manoir

    First horror movie created by Georges Melies
  • Grandma's Reading Glass

    Grandmas Reading Glass was the first film to use a different style of camera technique. The close up was invented by George Albert Smith. He used a magnifying glass to create a close up effect.
  • The Great Train Robbery

    The Great Train Robbery was madly Edwin S. Porter using multiple camera techniques. Also using cross cutting technique where two scenes occurred simultanious in different locations. Was consider the mile stone for film making.
  • First Hand Drawn Film

    Fantasmagorie was the first animated film created
  • The Power of Love

    First 3D film created by Nat G. Deverich. Premiered in Ambassador Hotel in Los Angelos
  • The Jazz Singer

    First movie with voice called a talkie and was directed by Alan Crosland. It ended the silent film era and started the sound film era
  • Wizard of Oz

    First famous movie with color produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. It was nominated for 6 awards for its use of technicolor
  • Jaws

    Steven Spielberg’s movie jaws was the first block buster movie over 100 million in the box office
  • Fututreworld

    First film to use CGI to create an effect of a face and a hand. Created by Edwin Catmull and Fred Parks
  • Toy Story

    First fully CGI movie to be created. Directed by John Lassester