Financial Timeline Hailey Nordlund

  • Birth of Hailey Nordlund

    Birth of Hailey Nordlund
    Born in Loma Linda California.
  • Period: to


  • Hailey's Brother was born

    Hailey's Brother was born
    Born in California.
  • Moved into our own house

    Moved into our own house
  • Step-dad lost his job

    Step-dad lost his job
    Worked at a bank but lost his job.
  • Step-dad got 2 new jobs

    Step-dad got 2 new jobs
    Wanted to keep us supported so he worked 2 jobs.
  • Step-dad and mom both have a job.

    Step-dad and mom both have a job.
    Step-dad works at a loan company, mom works at the same place. I do not work.
  • Our familiy's spending habits are okay.

    Our familiy's spending habits are okay.
    We buy a few things we shouldn't or can't afford but we don't have too many finacial problems. I save up my money from birthday's and christmases.
  • Hailey gets a job and starts to save her money

    Hailey gets a job and starts to save her money
  • Have enough money saved for Camera and MacBook Air

    Have enough money saved for Camera and MacBook Air
  • Hailey buys her first car

    Hailey buys her first car
  • Hailey is renting an apartment

    Hailey is renting an apartment
  • Hailey buys her first house

    Hailey buys her first house
  • Hailey gets married

    Hailey gets married
  • Hailey and her hunsband have their first child

    Hailey and her hunsband have their first child