First Global Age, Asia (Freeman 2015)

  • Period: Oct 28, 1400 to Oct 28, 1499

    Europeans seek sea rout to asia

    Mulsims and Italians control overland trade to asia. They tax high prices to earpeans. To avoid the high taxes the Europeans try to find ways to asia where they dont have to go throught the muslims and italians.
  • Period: Oct 29, 1400 to Oct 29, 1499

    The Ming Dynasty and Exploration

    The Ming Dynasty did lots of exploration in the 1400. They built massive ships that went on voyages all along the indian ocean led by Zheng He.
  • Period: Oct 29, 1400 to Oct 29, 1499

    Prince Henry the Navigator

    Prince henry the Navigator was a portaguse prince. He opened a school for navigation and helped bring the age of discovery.
  • Oct 29, 1492

    The New Wourld is found

    The New Wourld is found
    Christpher Columbus lands in the Americas discovering them for the first time. This changed everythinge.
  • Oct 29, 1493

    The line of Demarkation is created

    The line of Demarkation is created
    Pope Alexander creates a line that gave the Americas to spain but then the Line of Demarkation was formed splitting the wourld for portagul and spain.
  • Oct 29, 1497

    Vasco De Gama leds his first voyage

    Vasco De Gama leds his first voyage
    Vasco De Gama leads his first voyage to the indian ocean for portagul.
  • Oct 29, 1500

    Pedro Alverez Cabal discovers brazil

    Pedro Alverez Cabal discovers brazil
    A Portaguse expidetion led by Pedro Alverez Cabal discovers Brazil and claims it for portagul.
  • Oct 29, 1502

    Vasco de gama leds his second voyage to india

    Vasco de gama leds his second voyage to india
    Vasco De Gama went to india. They burned ships and terrized muslims for portagul.
  • Oct 29, 1511

    Portagual conqueres Mallaca

    Portagual conqueres Mallaca
    The portaguse lead by Alfonso De Alquancera captures the strait of Mallaca. They wanted to control trade.
  • Oct 29, 1521

    Maggelin arrives at the philapines

    Maggelin arrives at the philapines
    Ferdnard Maggilin is the first European to be in the Philpines, He claimes the Philpines for Spain.
  • Oct 29, 1522

    Maggelins crew arrives

    Maggelins crew arrives
    What is left of maggellins expidetion arrive in spain completing the first navigation around the entire wourld. Maggelin was dead and only one of his five ships surived.
  • Oct 29, 1522

    Maggelin sets out

    Maggelin sets out
    Ferdnand Maggelin sets out to find a western rout to the indian ocean. He sets out on his voyage for spain.
  • Oct 28, 1543

    The portagese make contact with the Jpenese

    The portagese make contact with the Jpenese
    The portaguse mkae first contact with the japanese. The japenese welcomed them and from them got the technology of guns and many castle designs.
  • The Happy Return

    The Happy Return
    The happy return happens when the Dutch Fleet returns to amsterdam after bieng in asia for a year. They returnred with many goods and other thinges from asia.
  • The Dutch East India Company is formed

    The Dutch East India Company is formed
    The Dutch created the Dutch east India company to take part in asian trade. They established trading post and made treatys with asian rulers and were important in asian trade.
  • Japan starts Isolation

    Japan starts Isolation
    Japan suspiociose of westerners goes into complete isolation not letting anyone in or out. The only knolage of current events was from dutch ships that came once a year.