Opening day of the nixon impeachment inquiry


  • Watergate scandal

    Watergate scandal
    A democratic building was broke into and everyone suspected president nixon was responsible for it
  • Spiro Agnew Resigns

    Spiro Agnew Resigns
    Vice President of the US resigns from office
  • Nixon is Impeached

    Nixon is Impeached
    Nixon gets impeached by the house of representatives for the watergate scandal
  • Ford becomes Vice President

    Ford becomes Vice President
    Ford became appointed vice president under the terms of the 25th amendment.
  • Nixon realese the Tapes

    Nixon realese the Tapes
    The supreme court ordered Nixon to release the Watergate tapes
  • Ford becomes President

    Ford becomes President
    Richard Nixon resigned from office and Ford became president.
  • Nixon resigns

    Nixon resigns
    The Watergate scandal escalated which made Nixon feel the need to resign from office
  • Nixon gets pardoned

    Nixon gets pardoned
    After Nixon's watergate scandal Ford pardoned Nixon for any crimes he committed.