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Foreign domination in Sicily

  • 3000 BCE

    SICANI (3000-735 BC)

    SICANI (3000-735 BC)
    The Sicani were one of three ancient peoples of Sicily present at the time of Phoenician and Greek colonization.
  • 1300 BCE

    SICULI (1300-735 BC)

    SICULI (1300-735 BC)
    The Sicels were an Italic tribe who inhabited eastern Sicily. Their neighbours to the west were the Sicani. The Sicels gave the name Sicily to the region.
  • 1200 BCE

    ELIMI (1200-735 BC)

    ELIMI (1200-735 BC)
    The Elymians were an ancient who inhabited the western part of Sicily during the Bronze Age and Classical antiquity.
  • 735 BCE

    GRECI (735-262 BC)

    GRECI (735-262 BC)
    The Greeks colonized the Sicily in the 8thcentury BC. The most important colonies were Syracuse, Akragas, Selinunte, Himera and Zancle. Sicily was included in the Magna Graecia and his government was democratic. The Greeks are also remember for his culture.
  • 266 BCE

    ROMANI (266 BC - 466 AD)

    ROMANI (266 BC - 466 AD)
    Sicilia was the first province acquired by the Roman Republic and later Empire. Sicily, with its fields, was a mainstay of the food supply for Rome
  • 466

    VANDALI (466-535)

    VANDALI (466-535)
    Vandals was a Germanic tribe under the rule of King Geiseric
  • 535

    BIZANTINI (535-827)

    BIZANTINI (535-827)
    The Eastern Roman Empire also known as the Byzantine Empire defeat the Germanic tribes under general Belisarius. Sicily was used as a base for the Byzantines to conquer the rest of Italy.
  • Jan 1, 827

    ARABI (827-1061)

    ARABI (827-1061)
    The Muslims create The Emirate of Sicily, an Islamic state its capital was Palermo. Muslims formed the majority of the Island’s population, their influence remains in some elements of the Sicilian language, culture, food, monuments.
  • Jan 1, 1061

    NORMANNI (1061-1194)

    NORMANNI (1061-1194)
    The Normans were north French people. The Normans founded the Kingdom Sicily under King Roger II of Sicily. The kingdom of Sicily was a prosperous and politically powerful
  • Jan 1, 1194

    SVEVI (1194-1266)

    SVEVI (1194-1266)
    King Frederick II, grandson of Roger II
  • Jan 1, 1266

    ANGIOINI (1266-1282)

    ANGIOINI (1266-1282)
    Frederick III of Sicily reigned the Sicily. The Sicilian parliament, continued to function with wide powers and responsibilities.
  • Jan 1, 1516

    SPAGNOLI (1516-1713)

    SPAGNOLI (1516-1713)
    Sicily was ruled directly by the kings of Spain via governors and viceroys. The 16th century was the golden age for Sicily's wheat exports.
  • SAVOIA (1713-1720)

    SAVOIA (1713-1720)
    House of Savoy obtain Sicily after Utrecht treaty
  • AUSTRIACI (1720-1734)

    AUSTRIACI (1720-1734)
    House of Habsburg occupy Sicily with her military troops.
  • BORBONI (1734-1860)

    BORBONI (1734-1860)
    The Bourbons founded The Kingdom of Two Sicilies, the King was Ferdinand II.
  • UNITA' D'ITALIA (1861-)

    UNITA' D'ITALIA (1861-)
    In 1860 Garibaldi and his 1000 soldiers conquered the Sicily and in 1861 Sicily become a region of Kingdom of Italy under King Victor Emmanuel II of Italy