• Carlos IV is proclaimed King of Spain

    His reign coincided with the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Empire.
  • The Estates General and the National Assembly

    The Estates General and the National Assembly
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    Its phases are:
    -The Estates General and the National Assembly (May 1789 to
    July 1789)
    - The Constituent Assembly (July 1789 to September 1791)
    - The Legislative Assembly (September 1791 to September 1792)
    - The Convention (September 1792 to October 1795)
    - The Directory and the Consulate (October 1795 to 1804)
  • The Constituent Assembly

    The Constituent Assembly
    In this period, the Bastille, a politcal jale, was conquered by the people.
  • Beginning of the French Revolution

    Beginning of the French Revolution
    Its slogan was: "Liberté, égalité, fraternité ou la mort".
    This was a period of violent politcal and social change, where the absolute monarchy was abolished and the estates system ended. THis movement was promoted by: the Enlightenment ideas, a political crisis, a economic crisis and a social crisis.
  • The Legislative Assembly

    Appeared two groups:
    - Jacobins: that were more radical.
    - Girondins: that were more moderate.
  • The Convention

    The Convention
    The head of the estate during this period, known as 'reign of terror', was Robespierre. During this period lots of people were executed by guillotine.
  • The Directory and the Consulate

    The Directory and the Consulate
    During this period were several changes on government and Napoleon appeared and began to take the control.
  • Napoleon is Emperor of France

    Napoleon is Emperor of France
    Napoleon proclaimed himself Emperor of France.
  • Period: to

    Napoleon's occupation of Spain

  • The Battle of Trafalgar

    The Battle of Trafalgar
    Spain decided to support France in the war against Britain (this idea was promoted by Goody, one the most important ministers of Carlos IV). But Spain and France were defeated by the British troops.
  • The Treaty of Fontainebleau

    Spain and FRance signed this treaty to let France to pass through Spain to conquer Portugal (with the help of Spain) and then divide this territory into three parts. Because Portugal was allied with England.
    Nothing of this happened, because this was a stratagem to conquer all the Iberian Peninsula (which included Spain).
  • The Abdication of Carlos IV

    The Riot of Aranjuez scared in some way Carlos IV, so he decided to abdicate wich made his son Fernando became the new king of Spain under the name of Fernando VII
  • Carlos IV and Fernando VII in Bayonne, France

    Napoleon sent Carlos IV and his, the new king, Fernando VII to Bayonne, France.
  • The Beginning of the Spanish War of Independence

    The Beginning of the Spanish War of Independence
    The war began when the people of Madrid rose up against the French occupation.
  • Period: to

    The War - The Spanish War of Independence

    During the war, the Spanish territory was almost conquered except Cádiz, that was the only city that did not fall.
  • The abdication of Carlos IV and Fernando VII

    On the 5th of May Carlos and Fernando decided to abdciate favourising Napoleon.
  • Jose Bonaparte becomes King of Spain

    Jose Bonaparte becomes King of Spain
    After the abdication of Carlos and Fernando, Napoleon decided to continue the monarchy in Spain but he decided that the king would be a person close to him: his brother Jose Bonaparte, who reigned in Spain under the name of Jose I Bonaparte from the 6th June of 1808 to 11th December of 1813.
  • The Battle of the Bruch

    It happened in Bruch, Spain, and this battle was won the Spanish troops.
  • Period: to

    The Political Revolution - The Spanish War of Independence

    During the war, two different governements coexisted:
    - Jose I Bonaparte, the head of the French Governement in
    Spain. He imposed the Bayonne Constitution-with enlightened
    rerforms-. His supporters were called afrancesados, but the

    most Spanish population rejected him.
    - The Central Council: represented the abstent Fernando VII in
    the areas not occupied by the French. It coordinated local and
    provincial councils that had been elected, for the first time by the

    Spanish people.
  • The Bayonne Constitution

    This constitution was signed by Jose Bonaparte, the king of Spain in that time. This constitution includes:
    - equality under the law
    - everyone had to pay taxes
    - the Catholicism was the only religion, others were not allowed
  • The Battle of Bailén

    The Battle of Bailén
    This battle occured at the beginning of the war and it was won by the Spanish troops. It occurred in Bailén, Spain.
  • The Battle of Somosierra

    It occurred in Somosierra, next to Madrid and the battle was won by the French troops.
  • The Battle of Uclés

    This battle occurred in Cuenca, Spain, and was won by the French troops.
  • The Battle of Alcañiz

    This battle happened in Alcañiz, Teruel (Spain), and it was won by the Spanish troops.
  • The Battle of Talavera

    It happened in Talavera de la Reina, Toledo (Spain). The Spanish troops allied with the British troops won the battle.
  • The Regency Council

    As the French troops were advancing, the Central Council took refuge in Cádiz, there it changed its name to Regency Council, and after, it was called Cortes. The Cortes opposed to the French and represented the king Fernando VII.
  • The Constitution of 1812

    The Constitution of 1812
    The Cortes of Cádiz approved the first Spanish constitution: Constitution of 1812, that represented most of the Enlightenment ideas:
    - constitutional monarchy as the form of government
    - popular sovereignty with limited male suffrage
    - Catholicism as the state religion
    - separation of powers: executive (monarch), legislative (monarch, Cortes) and judicial (courts of justice)
    - guaranteed rights and freedoms: equality under the law, right to privacy, freedom of the press or prohibition of torture
  • The Battle of the Arapiles

    It occurred in Arapiles, Salamanca (Spain) and it was won by the Spanish troops, that were allied with Portugal and Great Britain.
  • The "runaway" of Jose Bonaparte

    Jose Bonaparte left Madrid definitely
  • The Battle of Vitoria -The defeat of the French

    The Battle of Vitoria -The defeat of the French
    This battle happened in Vitoria, Spain, and it was won by the Spanish troops lidered by the the Duke of Welington that were allied with the British and the Portuguese and also helped by the "guerrilla". This supposed the definitive defeat of the French troops in Spain.
  • The abdication of Jose Bonaparte

    Napoleon forced his brother Jose to abdicate the Crown of Spain.
  • The return of Fernando VII

    The return of Fernando VII
    When Fernando VII came back definitely to Spain we could say that the Spanish War of Independence is finished in all the ways.