French Revolution

  • Tennis Court Oath

    Third Estate deputies met at an indoor tennis court and swore to each other they would keep meeting at that set location until a new constitution was made.
  • Peasant Rebellion

    Known as the "Great Fear", rumors were spread that foreign troops were going to put down the revolution, so peasants reacted by bring into houses ownded by the lords and demolished any records of their obligations.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    900 Parisans gathered in the courtyard of the Bastille awaiting the King's troops. The prison warden surrendered and was decapitated. The Bastille was later demolished.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    This declaration proclaimed that all men were equal and free before the law. It was decribed as the "natural and imprescriptible rights of man". This declaration also rose the important issue concercing whether or not these equal rights should include women.
  • Parisan Women Take Stand

    Parisan women marched to Versailles in order to persuade the king of the consequences that came with the food shortages of bread and flour. The king and his family later returned to Paris with an abundance about of flour from the palace storehouse.
  • Constitution of 1791

    This new concstitution set up limited monarchy. The Legislative Assembly made new laws that stated men over 25 that paid a certain amout of taxes were aloud to vote, all others with "equal rights" could not vote.
  • Fleeing of the King

    The King and his Royal family attempted to flee to France in disguise but were captured in Varennes and brought back to Paris. After this event, the Legislative Assembly met for the first time in October of 1791 and amended the constitution.
  • Paris Commune

    Angry citizens protested against the food shortages and defeats in war. Members who were apart of this new Paris Commune held the King captive. This led to calls for new measures to be taken in order to secure the future and improve the poor living conditions for the people in France.
  • First Republic

    The National Convention began meetings for the first time. Almost every deputy apart of the convention distrusted the king. On September 21 they destroyed the monarchy and established the French Republic.
  • Louis' Execution

    The Mountain represented interests of radicals in Paris. In early 1793, they convinced the Convention to pass a decree condemning Louis XVI to death. He was beheaded on the guillotine.
  • Reign of Terror

    A set of adopted policies were made that defended France from domestic threats. Unfortunately, during this time, almost 40,000 people were killed including Marie Antoinette and Olympe de Gouges.
  • Republic of Virtue

    The Committie of Public Safety came up with the Republic of Virtue, which was a democratic republic composed of good citizens. A law was passed to serve primary education for all citizens, and another law was passed that abolished slavery in French Colonies.
  • Revolutionary Army

    The French Army had over one million soldiers, which was the largest army ever seen and heard of in Europe. They conquered Austrian Netherlands.
  • The Directory

    The Directory made up the executive which consisted of 5 deputies. This was known as a time for corruption because citizens of France were taking advantage of the government's severe economic problems.
  • Napoleon Coup d'Etat

    Successful military leader, Napopleon Bonaparte, toppled the Directory, overthrew the government, and eventually seized power in France.