From Exploration to Independence

  • Period: 1800 BCE to 800

    The Maya

    Their culture flourished in El Péten, and there they have some of the tallest pyramids, constructed cities, developed a highly accurate calendar, and over centuries they built intricate buildings and created art.
  • Period: 1200 BCE to 600 BCE

    The Olmec

    The Olmec is the earliest Mesoamerican civilization and flourished, while buildings great cities.
  • 1095

    Pope Urban calls for Crusade in the Holy Land

    Pope Urban calls for Crusade in the Holy Land
    Pope Urban wants to Crusade against Muslims to convert them to Christianity.
  • 1200

    Europe is a farming Economy

    Europe is a farming Economy
    Europe shifted its focus to trade or buying and selling of goods.
  • Period: 1200 to 1521

    The Aztec

    The Aztec established a royal dynasty, and used their lands of natural resources to their advantage.
  • 1271

    Marco Polo travels to the East

    Marco Polo travels to the East
    Marco Polo went on a journey.
  • 1289

    Crusades end

    Crusades end
    Crusades opened Europe's eyes to the rest of the world.
  • 1293

    Polos journey home

    Polos journey home
    Polo and his family returned with many goods.
  • 1298

    Polo imprisoned and writes his book

    Polo imprisoned and writes his book
    Marco met a writer from Pisa who encouraged him to write a book about his travels.
  • Period: 1300 to

    The Renaissance

    Europeans started studying Greek writings, arts, economics, mathematics, and science. (learned about new cultures)
  • Period: 1400 to 1532

    The Inca

    The Inca were more independent than the other civilizations. They did not have many customs, such as no written languages and were self sufficient.
  • 1415

    Fortress of Ceuta

    Fortress of Ceuta
    Portugese captured fortress of Ceuta
  • 1419

    Maderia Islands

    Maderia Islands
    Prince Henry founded Madeira Islands.
  • 1427

    Azores Islands

    Azores Islands
    Prince Henry founded Azores islands.
  • 1434

    Prince Henry's return

    Prince Henry's return
    Prince Henry's ship made it around the cape successfully.
  • 1440

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    Johan Guttenburg created printing press.
  • 1469

    Ferdinaded of Aragon and Isabella of Castille

    Ferdinaded of Aragon and Isabella of Castille
    Ferdinaded of Aragon and Isabella of Castille unified Catholic Spain
  • 1488

    Bartomula passes

    Bartomula passes
    Bartomula dies and finally made it around the tip of Africa.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Island of Hispanolia

    Island of Hispanolia
    Columbus founded island he named Hispaniola. (Present day Dominican Republic)
  • 1519

    Cortes invades the Aztec

    Cortes invades the Aztec
    The conquistadors reached Tenochitilan, Montezuma, the Aztec ruler, met Cortes and believed that he was sent by Quetzalcoatl, but soon realized he was a Spaniard, but Cortes took him hostage, and therefore searched for gold across the Aztec civilization.
  • 1529

    Pizarro Invades Inca

    Pizarro Invades Inca
    Pizarro returned to Spain seeking for royal approval to colonize Peru, and The queen granted Pizarro a license to discover and conquer Peru.
  • 1532

    The Inca fall under Pizarro

    The Inca fall under Pizarro
    Pizarro used natives and created allies with them, and allowed Pizarro to gain insight about the Inca, and therefore her conquered Atualpha, the Incan ruler, and used him as a puppet leader and caused the Incan empire to fall.
  • Thomas Hobbes writes The Leviathan

    Thomas Hobbes writes The Leviathan
    New beliefs were being created of others perspectives of man and government, and people were thinking government in the own life preferences, and so Thomas Hobbes wrote a book The Leviathan.
  • John Locke writes The Second Treatise on Government

    John Locke writes The Second Treatise on Government
    John Locke wrote The Second Treatise on Government as a contrast to Hobbes's book, and talks about his perspectives of man and government, and states, that all mankind are equal, and believes that government should have set laws and consider what state men are actually in.
  • The United States declares Independence

    The United States declares Independence
    Great Britain had defeated France and were forcing colonists to pay taxes and contributes, so they turned to the ideas of the philosophers, and they called for a revolution and wrote the Declaration of Independence in the Unites States of America.
  • France writes the Declaration of the Rights of Man

    France writes the Declaration of the Rights of Man
    France is being forced by the French to pay taxes, because of the war that is going on between them in Great Britain, so they revolt against their monarchy, and began the French Revolution, where they took the American Declaration of Independence and made their draft of Declaration of the Rights of Man.
  • Haiti gains independence

    Haiti gains independence
    The French are expelled from Haiti. The colony was declared free, and named Saint Domingue Haiti to show the break with European colonialism.
  • Bolivar and his soldiers begin Venezuela’s fight for independence

    Bolivar and his soldiers begin Venezuela’s fight for independence
    After fighting against the Spanish once, Bolívar planned another attack and led an army to Caracas naming the country a republic. He gave it's leader a title pf Liberator.
  • Bolivar’s Gran Columbia gains its independence

    Bolivar’s Gran Columbia gains its independence
    Bolívar led an army filled with men to Carabobo and won the difficult battle.
  • Jose de San Martin frees Peru from Spain

    Jose de San Martin frees Peru from Spain
    Revolutionaries declared Peru independant from the Spanish, and San Martín their colonies protector.
  • Mexico gains independence

    Mexico gains independence
    Hidalgo started a social rebellion fighting for political independence, and eventually independence came and it transferred power to the former colony.