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Fundamentals of Computer Technology-Veronica W

  • 1st automatic computing engines

    1st automatic computing engines
    A difference engine, first created by Charles Babbage, is an automatic mechanical calculator.
  • Vacuum tubes

    Vacuum tubes
    A vacuum tube is a device that controls electric current flow in a high vacuum between electrodes to which an electric potential difference has been applied. Created by John Ambrose Fleming
  • 1st Programmable Computer

    1st Programmable Computer
    It was the world's first working programmable, fully automatic digital computer. Created by Konrad Zues
  • 1st electronic digital computing

    1st electronic digital computing
    Created by Presser Eckert, Jr., John William Mauchly, It was the ENAIC based on the prior invention of a small, special-purpose vacuum
  • Transistors

    Created by William Shockley ,John Bardeen, Walter Houser Brattain
    is a semiconductor used to ampilify
  • Artificial Intelligence

    Artificial Intelligence
    Created by John McCarthy is the intelligence of computers and the idea that you can program a computer to do task
  • Integrated circuits

    Integrated circuits
    Created by ack Kilby, Robert Noyce,Masatoshi and Shima it is a small circuit that on a semiconductor that is a microprocessor
  • The mouse

    The mouse
    Created by Douglas Engelbart, René Sommer created for his operating system it was a bulky device for consumers they used to only use computer keyboard commands
  • Microprocessors

    It is a computer processer that works with the central processing unit this device was created by Marciano Hoff,Masatoshi Shima,Federico Faggin,Stanley Mazor
  • The world wide web

    The world wide web
    Created by Tim Berners-Lee, Robert Caillou it is a platform for which you look up things and find websites to help you.
  • The first iPhone

    The first iPhone
    Created by Steve Jobs and his team it was a small phone that did things like call and text and had accuses to the internet
  • Reflection

    The one that is the most import one in my option is AI because one day AI is going to take human jobs and do things for us