German Expansion Timeline

  • Hitler's declaration

    Hitler's declaration
    Hitler declared on this date that Germany needed to take over surrounding countries. These countries were Czecholovakia and Austria.
  • Austria Allows Invasion

    Austria Allows Invasion
    Germany marches into Austria without any oppesision. No one was concerned with this union.
  • Munich Agreement

    Munich Agreement
    The Munich agreement was signed by the Germans, Britian, and France. It gave Czecholoslovakia to Germany under the impression thast this would stop Germany from going to war.
  • Czecholoslovakia Invasion

    Czecholoslovakia Invasion
    Germany offically invaded Czecholoslovakia. Hitler was recoreded gloating at the land being taken so easily.
  • Stalin and Hitler

    Stalin and Hitler
    Stalin and Hitler sign a non-agression pact. Germany and Russia agreed not to attack eachother. This gave Hitler more freedom to do as he pleased.
  • Poland is Inavaded

    Poland is Inavaded
    German's invaded Poland. The Germans used a new military techinique to invade Poland, this technique is known as Blitzkreig.
  • War

    Britain and France delcare war on Germany. Germany stepped over too many boundaries.
  • Surprise Invasion

    Surprise Invasion
    Hitler led an invasion into Denmark and Norway. The surprise of the attack caught them off gaurd making them an easy win for Germany.
  • France Falls

    France Falls
    France gets defeated by Germany. Hitler occupired northern Fracne and had a Pro nazi idea goverment set up.
  • Germany takes a loss

    Germany takes a loss
    Raf shot down 185 German planes. They lost 26 of their planes.