German Expansion Timeline

By AJPonz
  • Hitler meets with advisors

    Hitler meets with advisors
    The power-hungry leader of Germany meets with his advisors to propose a way to expand the country. Hitler planned on just invading the bordering countries because they all already had a somewhat German population.
  • Entering Austria

    Entering Austria
    The first of the neighboring countries that Hitler invaded was Austria. They had a high German population which made them seem the easiest to start with for Hitler. Within days a union was formed between the two countries.
  • Munich Agreement

    Munich Agreement
    The next country on Hitler's list was Czechloslavakia because they too had a fairly large German population and also a powerhouse country. To avoid a war, the British prime minister and the French premier signed the Munich Agreement which gave Sudetenland to Germany peacefully
  • Taking Czechloslavakia

    Taking Czechloslavakia
    The Munich Agreement wasn't enough to keep Hitler from finishing what he set out to do. About half a year after it Hitler continued invading Czechloslavakia until it too was under German control.
  • Allies?

    In an attempt to take an advantage, Germany and Russia became "allies". Germny and the Soviet Union also made an agreement to split Poland. This was extremelly beneficial for Germany because the Soviet Union would now not attack them for invading Poland eliminating the possibility of a two-front war.
  • Attacking Poland

    Attacking Poland
    With the threat of a two-front war gone, Germany unleashes an air force attack on Poland military bases, airfields, railroads, and cities. They also had tanks going through Poland countryside.
  • France and Britain join

    France and Britain join
    Both France and Britain were friendly with Poland so once it got attacked, they both declared war on Germany.
  • Attacking Denmanrk and Norway

    Attacking Denmanrk and Norway
    Hitler continues his attempt to grow Germany by launching a surprise sttack on Denmark and Norway.
  • France Surrenders

    France Surrenders
    Hitler hands French oficers his demands for France's surrender:
    - Germany occupys the northern part of France
    - Germany is to set up a Nazi-controlled puppet government
  • Invading Britain

    Invading Britain
    With Britain being the major opposition for Germany, Hitler assembles an invasion fleet along the French coast in order to invade them. They also start naval battles and bombing runs over Britain.