Rolling around at the speed of round

German Unification

  • House of Krupp

    House of Krupp
    The Krupp family started the first commercial steel factory, soon to be known as an Empire, in 1811; however there is ties to the Krupp industries way back in the 1500's. Friedrich Krupp was the first of his family to turn his buisness into a commercial once that wasn't like other family-ran steel workers, he made the Firm of Friedreck Krupp. When he died in 1826, his son Alfred picked up the torch to supply Germany and the rest of Europe with it's materials.
  • Napoleon Invades Russia

    Napoleon Invades Russia
    The French invaded Russia under Napoleon's guide. There were 650,000 men in his army. They rushed over the Niemen River in greats hope of victory.
  • Period: to

    Congress of Vienna

    The Congress of Vienna was a gathering of Europe's important people but only lasted around 1 year. The congress, as the title states, was held in Vienna. It was chaired by Austrian statesman Klemens Wenzel von Metternich.
  • Otto Von Bismarck Birth

    Otto Von Bismarck Birth
    Otto von bismarck was ruler with a thirst for power. After his birth he soon was appointed president of Prussia and on to greater forms of power. Unfortunately he died march 20th 1890, but he will always be remembered as the man who unified germany
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
    It happened at Waterloo, which is modern-day Belgum. Napoleon fought, and lost, against a formitible foe of Prussia. This war was famous for Napoleon's defeat.
  • Frederick William IV is offered the Throne

    Frederick William IV is offered the Throne
    Frederick William Iv refined as the king of Prussia from 1840 to 1861. He was remembered for the buildings he had constructed in Berlin and Postdam. In 1849 he rejected the title of the germman Emperor that was offered by the frakfurt parliament.
  • Zollverein

    In English, Zollverein is known as "German Unification". It was a treaty that brought all of Germany's states together to make a single country. It, however took a long time for all states to be brought together; By 1866, the Zollverein included most of the German states.
  • Period: to

    Frankfurt Assembly

    The frankfurt assembly was the first free elected parliament for all of Germany. It was elected on 1 May 1848. The assembly went from May 18 1848 to May 31 1849 in the Paulskirche at Frankfurt.
  • Blood and Iron Speech

    Blood and Iron Speech
    In September 1862, when the Prussian Landtag was refusing to approve of Bismarks military pleads Bismarck diced he was going to try to get the colony on his side. Bismarck delivered his famous blood and iron speech to the people and the rulers that pleaded for armies or equipment. After they declined him he decided he was going to cheat and steal the money anyway.
  • Bismarck declares war on Denmark

    Bismarck declares war on Denmark
    During the Austro Prussian War Bismarck attacked Denmark which is seen as his masterstroke. Bismarck decided to gain alliance with Austria in order to defeat denmark. After gaining their alliance Bismarck overpowered Denmark and defeated them.
  • Bismarck declares war on Austria

    Bismarck declares war on Austria
    This war would be known as the Austro-Prussian war in History books. It is also nicknamed the "Seven Week War" because it took a little bit more than just seven weeks. This war resulted in a shift in power in Germany.
  • Bismarck becomes Chancellor

    Bismarck becomes Chancellor
    Otto Von Bismarck was elected to become chancellor of Germany. Bismarck was called the "Iron Chancellor" for his great and rousing speeches. These speeches would include Blood and Iron and Realpolotik.
  • Ems Dispatch

    Ems Dispatch
    The Ems dispatch incited France to declare the Franco Prussian war in July 1870. The dispatch was a message from the Prussian King’s vacationing site to Otto von Bismarck in Berlin. It was the Demands of French abassador that released Bismarck to the press.
  • Franco-Prussian War

    Franco-Prussian War
    The war was the conflict between the second French Empire and the German states of the North German Confederation led by Prussia. They aimed to gain control of the souther German States.
  • Period: to

    Economic Growth

    German industrialisation progressed and German manufactures began to capture domestic markets from the British. By arranging private loans to industry and public loans to the state, the banks encouraged new industries such as electricity and chemistry. The country became the world's second largest exporting nation of coal, steel and iron ore next to Britain.
  • Period: to

    Population Growth

    German society grew and changed dramatically in the last quarter of the nineteenth century. There was a large decline in death which meant an increase in birthrates as well. Due to the growth, the economy flourished.
  • Germany is Created

    Germany is Created
    On Janurary 18 1871 at Versailles the political administratively integrated nation state officially. This is also known as Germany's offical unification in History.
  • German Constitution drafed by Bismarck

    German Constitution drafed by Bismarck
    Now that Germany was offically a country, it needed a constitution. Otto Von Bismarck was willing to write a document. Most Historians refer to this as "Bismarck's imperial constitution".
  • Campaign against the Church

    Campaign against the Church
    Known as "Kulturkampf" by the Germans, literally translates to 'culture struggle'. It was a group of German Polocies set in place by Otto Von Bismarck that reduced the power of the church. Bismarck felt that the Roman Catholic churches in Prussia were too controlling and needed to be stopped.
  • Campaign against Socialists

    Campaign against Socialists
    While he was Prime Minister, Oto von Bismarck also created the Sozialistengesetze, or Anti-Socialist Laws. Bismarck feared the outbreak of a socialist revolution, much like the ones that happened in France. The laws were passed on October 19th, 1878 and lasted until March 31, 1881.
  • Willhelm II becomes Kaiser

    Willhelm II becomes Kaiser
    William (Willhelm) the Second, was made Emperor in June of 1888. He was the eldest grandson of the British Queen Victoria and related to many monarchs and princes of Europe. He however soon made many changes to his country, even making Oto von Bismarck leave his position
  • Bismarck Resigns

    Bismarck Resigns
    In 1890 Bismarck had resigned after disagreeing with the new emperor. At this point, he was 75 and felt that he was failing. He did not get along with Willhelm II, so, at an old age he stepped down from Prime Minister.