Germany's Point of view on the Thing

  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    Adolf Hitler gives his orders for the final invasion of Poland
  • German advances in Poland

    German advances in Poland
    Germany marched its forces to the outskirts of Poland's capital, Warsaw, advancing an astounding 200 miles in a mere week.
  • The big meet-up

    The big meet-up
    Germany and the Soviet union meet each other in Brest-Litovsk, Poland.
  • U-Boat Attack

    U-Boat Attack
    In an attempt to beat Britain into submission German U-boats were given the go to attack any and all merchant boats, whether they were armed or not. German gov. also declares a naval blockade on Britain, allowing Germany to attack any of the targets in the region.
  • A Stronger Alliance

    The Axis Powers, Germany, Italy and Japan, initiated an act called Tripartite Act, declaring an enemy to one, is an enemy to all. Strengthening their ties in the process.
  • German Troops Ambushed

    A group of German army troops are making their way towards Crete Via, but along the way they are ambushed by the Royal Navy. Only 60 of the troops escaping with their lives.
  • Revenge :3

    German dive bombers destroy two Royal Navy cruisers. The HMS Gloucester and the HMS Fiji.
  • German Turning Point since Russia

    The German army is ordered to complete the destruction of Soviet forces around Smolensk and then head south to attack forces in Kiev
  • Soviet Looting

    German takes 300,000 Soviet prisoners, 3,200 tanks and 3,100 artillery guns from Smolensk.
  • Sevastopol Attack

    Sevastopol Attack
    The German 11th Army begins open fire on N. Sevastopol at 2:30 AM. After 5 days, Germany forces cease fire.
  • Retreat

    German forces at Armavir and Voronezh retreat, due to the Soviet Union sending troops and tanks.
  • Allies Taking Charge

    Allied forces hold the Germans in check at Sbiba, Tebessa and Thala, causing the death of 2,000 Germans and forcing Rommel to call for a retreat.
  • Poland Revolt

    Poland, after realizing they stood a slim chance of winning against the Germans, asked allies to help maintain the Poland revolt
  • Retreating from Warsaw

    Under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Zygmunt Berling, the 1st Polish Army forces engage the Germans in Warsaw but are ultimately driven back in retreat.
  • Cold Blood

    Allied prisoners of war are executed in cold blood by elements of the 6th SS Panzer Army. Some 87 prisoners are killed where they stand on direct orders from German Colonel Joachim Peiper.
  • Hitler's Stupidity

    Hitler orders a halt to the advance - but no retreat - leaving his exposed and tired units at the mercy of the replenished Allied forces across the Ardennes Front.
  • Germans Downfall

    Weeks of fighting see German forces destroyed, taken prisoner or sent packing as the Allies regroup and respond.
  • German Surrenders

    German Surrenders
    German Generaloberst Hans Krebs approaches Chuikov with the formal German surrender.
  • Fall of Berlin

    Fall of Berlin
    Berlin falls, and Soviet Union troops occupied Germany's magor sections of the capital.