GLBTQ Rights

  • Period: to

    GLBTQ Rights

  • Jim Owles

    Jim Owles
    First president of the Gay Activists Allience and founding member
    Part of the Stonewall Riots
    First openly gay person to run for house
  • Stonewall Riots

    Stonewall Riots
    The police raid Stonewall inn a gay bar
    New York Christopher Street
    The gathered crowd turns violent and attacks police
    The riots sparked protest throughout the neiboring streets, but was eventually put down by the New York riot police
    This is going to spark several day of protest in favor of GLBTQ rights
    Sparks the creation of the Gay Liberation Front and many other GLBTQ civil rights groups
  • Homosexuality no longer considered a mental illness by the American Psychiatric Association

    Homosexuality no longer considered a mental illness by the American Psychiatric Association
    The APA votes that homosexuality is no longer a mental illness
  • Decriminalization of Homosexuality (Lawrence v Texas)

    Decriminalization of Homosexuality (Lawrence v Texas)
    Declared the sodomy law in Texas unconstitutional and consequently 13 other staes sodomy laws
  • Repeal of Don't Ask, Don't tell

    Repeal of Don't Ask, Don't tell
    The repeal of Don't Ask,Don't Tell by the Obama administration ends descrimination in the military against Homosexuals
  • Supreme Court Case Obergefell v Hodges

    Supreme Court Case Obergefell v Hodges
    This supreme court case affirms that marriage for homosexual couples is a constitutional right.
  • Accomplishments

    No longer a mental illness
    Same sex marriage
  • Problems

    Still anti-GLBTQ laws in function