Globalization of Car

By Arnel
  • 1478


    Leonardo da Vinci draws the first self propelled vehicle. Never actually creates it.
  • 2.

    First self propelled car road vehicle is invented in France. Tractor for the French Army.
  • 3.

    A fourcycle internal combustion engine is created, (prototype for modern car engines)
  • 4.

    Henry Ford builds his first automobile.
  • 5.

    Dureya Brothers invent the first successful gas powered car in the US.
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    Dureya brothers create the first American car company.
  • 7.

    Steering wheel is introduced.
  • 8.

    Car Radio is introduced.
  • 9.

    First four wheel drive, all purpose vehicle is invented for the US Military. Now known as the Jeep.
  • 10.

    Air bags are added into the car as a safety option.
  • 11.

    Seatbelts are introduced.
  • 12.

    GPS is introduced.
  • 13.

    The higher cost of gasoline and impact on climate change, has electric vehicles come back into the picture.
  • 14.

    Vehicle manufacturers begin to develop electric vehicles more than gas powered.