
  • Disagreement with the current Dicatorship

    The citizens and I were very mad over how the country was being run by the dictatorship.
  • Gathered a group of people to peacefully protest.

    We gathered a lot of people to peacefully protest the corrupt dictator.
  • The Dictorship Government did not take the protest kindly

    The Dictator command some its government officials to put protestors in jail.
  • Month later the protestors tried to protest again

    More government officals jailed more people and even killed some people.
  • Protestors then began to riot

    People were rioting and destroying city buildings and causing a ruckus.
  • Protestors start to become armed and started a war

    The protestors started to get weapons and started to shoot and kill government officals.
  • A lot of Government officials dead along with protestors

    The war had started and lost of government officials and protestors were killed.
  • The group of protestors were taking over the government

    The Dictator could not stop the protestors from taking over the government
  • The protestors and I have taken over the government

  • I got rid of the dictator and created a Representative Republic