Great Society Programs

  • Equal Opportunity Act

    Equal Opportunity Act
    Provided Community Action Programs which allowed oppressed groups to have a voice and some decision-making power
  • Economic Empowerment Act

    The Johnson Administration aimed to provide opportunities for those living in poverty in order to provide a decent living for themselves and their families.
  • Food Stamps Act

    Food Stamps Act
    Passed by the Johnson Administration in 1964, the Act was intended to provide improved levels of nutrition to low income households through federal assistance, we still have this today and lots of people use it.
  • Medicaid Amendment to the Social Security Act

    Medicaid Amendment to the Social Security Act
    Referred to as Title XIX, was signed by President Johnson. The federal government supplied grants to states in order to provide updated medical and hospital care, we still have this and it's very much used.
  • Work Incentive Program

    Work Incentive Program
    Fell under the Social Security Amendment. This program put an end to the hundred percent tax on peoples earnings.