Great Society Timeline

  • Tax Reduction Act

    Tax Reduction Act
    the tax reduction act was set place in 1964 to cut corporate and individual taxes to help stimulate growth in the economy.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    outlawed discrimination in public accomodations, housing, and jobs. it also increased federal power to prosecute civil rights abuses.
  • Period: to

    Great Society Programs

  • Omnibus Housing Act

    Omnibus Housing Act
    The omnibus housing act was set in place in 1965 to provide money and fundage to low-income housing
  • Higher Education Act

    Higher Education Act
    The high education act was created to give scholarships and low-interest loans to students who aspired to go to college.
  • Highway Safety Act

    Highway Safety Act
    requires states to set up highway safety programs to help make the roads safe and efficient.
  • Air Quality Act

    Air Quality Act
    set federal air pollution guidelines and extend federal enforcement power.