greta thunberg

  • When was she born?

    When was she born?
    Greta is from Estocolm Sweden, she was born on the 3 of January of 2003, she is 18 years old.
  • Climate change?

    Climate change?
    Greta first heard about climate change in 2011, when she was eight years old.
  • Stop eating?

    Stop eating?
    When she was 11, she stopped talking and was eating and lot. She was diagnosed with OCD and asperge. Asperge makes your socialising very dificult.
  • Support from her parents?

    Support from her parents?
    When she started protesting, her parents did not support her activism, and they wanted her to go to school , her OCD and autisem did not stop her
  • A change?

    A change?
    For about two years, Thunberg challenged her parents to lower the family's carbon footprint and overall impact on the environment by becoming vegan. The family Give up flying this meant that her mother had to give up her international career. Her mother did to save her child because she saw how much it meant to her (climate change), and then, when she did that, she saw how much Greta grew from that. She believes we can change the world.
  • Not going to school?

    Not going to school?
    On 20 August 2018, Greta, who had just started ninth grade, decided not to attend school until the 2018 Swedish general election on 9 September. Her protest began after the heat waves and wildfires during Sweden's hottest summer in at least 262 years.
  • Book 1

    Book 1
    Scenes of the Heart
  • Awards

    2019- Glamour Award for the Revolutionary
    2019- Right Livelihood
    2019- Rachel Carson Prize
    2019- Ambassador of Conscience Award
    2019- International Children’s Peace prize
    2019- Nordic Council Environment Prize
  • Book 2

    Book 2
    No One Is To Small To Make a Difference
  • More awards

    More awards
    Shorty Award for Best in Activism
  • Book 3

    Book 3
    On Truth, Courage & Saving Our Planet