history of animation

  • Flip-books

    The first flip book was created by John Banes Linnett. Flipbooks are a large contribution to children , flip-books were a wildly known prize in the cracker jack boxes.
  • Flipbooks

    John Barnes Linnett originally called flip-books "kineographs" which means moving pictures.
  • Stop Motion

    Stop Motion
    The first stop Motion film was created by Albert Smith and J.Stuart Blackton called the Humpty Dumpty Circus in 1898.
  • Stop Motion

    Stop Motion
    All Stop motion is a technique that physically moves an object to make it appear that its moving on it's own
  • 2D Animation

    2D Animation
    The first person to create an actual 2D animation was Emile Cohl called Fantasmagorie, this cartoon was released 1908.
  • 2D Animation

    2D Animation
    All 2D animation focuses on backgrounds and two-dimensional backgrounds and of course the characters .
  • 3D Animation

    3D Animation
    3D Animation began in the early 1940s to the early 50s started by John Whitney Sr. Whitney infamous work was the animated film Vertigo in 1958 from Alfred Hitchcock.(title Sequence)
  • 3D Animation

    3D Animation
    3d Animation is all about making illusions of motion in a three-dimensional environment for rapid display