Guilded Age

  • Rivers and HArbors Act

    Rivers and HArbors Act
    Grant money to improve navigation among rivers
  • Kelly and Bessemer discover process iron ore into steel

    Kelly and Bessemer discover process iron ore into steel
    Experimenting and found how to process into steel
  • Edwin Drake strikes oil

    Edwin Drake strikes oil
    Used a steam engine in Pennsylvannia to help drill and later found oil
  • National Labor Union

    National Labor Union
    First national labor confederation to form local trade unions
  • Typewriter

    Many ideas before but pattented typewriter with numbering machine made in 1866 by Christopher Sholes
  • Joseph McCoy creates cattle trade station

    Allows cattle to be trade around Kansas and Texas
  • Railroads meet in Utah

    Railroads meet in Utah
    Union Pacific and Central Pacific meet in Utah
  • Rockefeller creates Standard Oil

    Controlled 90% of pipelines
  • Air Brakes

    Air Brakes
    Compressed air system, type of friction brake pressing air on the piston
  • Edison invents phonograph

    Edison invents phonograph
    Mechanical recording and reproduction of sound
  • Great Railroad Strike

    Great Railroad Strike
    Numerous outbreaks among many cities going against railroads
  • Terrence Powderly Knights of Labor

    Terrence Powderly Knights of Labor
    Joined in 1876 and served until 1893
  • Haymarket Square Riot

    Haymarket Square Riot
    Turned into riot after someone threw a bomb at the police. 8 activists accused of the bombing
  • Statue of Liberty Unveiled

    Statue of Liberty Unveiled
    A gift from France unveiled in New York
  • The Gospel of Wealth

    The Gospel of Wealth
    Article written by Andrew CArnegie describing the responsibilities of philanthropy by the new upper class
  • Forest Reserve Act

    Forest Reserve Act
    Allows president to set aside forest reserves from the public land
  • CArnegie sells US steel

    CArnegie sells US steel
    Sells to JP Morgan for $480 million