
Gunter, Tyler - The History of Social Media

  • Just E-Mail me, bro

    Just E-Mail me, bro
    In 1971, Ray Tomlinson sent out the first networked email, using an @ symbol to specify who received the message. Since then, email has progressed. Email is accessed on mobile devices almost as often as from a computer. People pay their bills using email, send messages to bosses/colleagues, etc... Everyone has at least one email address since it is used for registration for online banking/social medias.
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    It wasn't until 1991 when Timothy Berners-Lee introduced the internet that we know today. The internet of the years before had consisted of researchers and scientists sending files back and forth to each other on computers. He created the Wolrd Wide Web and presented a way for people anywhere to access any information they wanted to. And he did it FOR FREE.
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  • Slide in the IM's

    Slide in the IM's
    Instant Messaging started in 1960's, but it got where it is today after 1996. "ICQ" was a messenger that allowed people to transfer files, search for other users and more. It revolutionized the internet. In 1997, AOL debuted "AIM" which was similar to "ICQ", however it included user profiles, icons and more. "AIM" had 53 million users by 2005. Since then, almost every social media has a form of instant messenger.
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  • B.L.O.G.

    In 1997, the term "weblog" started by Jorn Barger, who created it "to reflect his process of 'logging the web'..." as said from Blogs are similar to online journals. Once YouTube started, video blogs started being posted. Blogs have become a big part of social media, where people no longer need to read magazines or newspapers from their favorite author, but instead just read their blog online.
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  • Wiki Wiki

    Wiki Wiki
    "Nupedia" was started in 2000 by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger. It was designed as an online encyclopedia in which volunteers could contribute to articles and it could all be reviewed by expert editors and then published for free viewing. Control was too strict, and so a wiki started for Nupedia, which was then titled "Wikipedia". Wikipedia is like Google, except Google pulls up links and Wikipedia pulls up answers.
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  • Linked and Loaded

    Linked and Loaded
    LinkedIn was started in 2003 after its founders wanted to create a social network built towards professional use from adults/companies. They wanted to "build a business. not create something cool" as quoted from Konstantin Guericke. There was no other professional social media and so this idea was new. A great way for people to keep an online resume up to date.
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  • MySpace Creation

    MySpace Creation
    MySpace was created in 2003 when four employees of the eUniverse company realized there was huge potential in this. In January 2004, MySpace was officially released to the public and within the first month, they had already had 1 million people register! MySpace was the first platform to take off that allowed people to meet others and learn more about them through a profile. It was very unique and brand new at the time.
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  • Broadcast Yourself

    Broadcast Yourself
    YouTube was created after Chad Hurley noticed that there was no effective way of posting/sharing videos on the internet. YouTube started in May 2005. In October 2006, Google bought out YouTube, and helped it become what it is today. It is the third most visited website in the world today. YouTube allowed users to become known - many people have become famous from posting YouTube videos.
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  • Tweet Away!

    Tweet Away!
    Twitter was created by a group of people who were originally together to create a podcasting platform, which kind of got shutdown after Apple introduced podcasts being added to iTunes. Twitter was then developed, originally discussed to be similar to texting (explaining it's 140 character limit). As Twitter users grew, the development of tagging people using @ and retweeting people grew.
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  • Goodbye MySpace; Hello Facebook!

    Goodbye MySpace; Hello Facebook!
    In February 2004, Mark Zuckerberg founded "The Facebook". It was originally being used by Boston colleges, then U.S. colleges, then U.S. high schools, then it became world wide. In late 2006, it opened up for anyone to use and has not looked back since. Facebook was easy to use, full of information, and provided people ways to connect with celebrities, old friends, and out of state family members whom they never see.
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  • Insta

    Instagram debuted in October 2010. Less than a year later, it had over 100 million uploaded photos. It caught the attention of many because no one knew of any photo/video sharing apps that let you use filters on your images. Instagram also allowed users to share their pictures on other social medias, which helped it grow in popularity. Instagram also keeps adding to the app, like introducing more filters and the use of video.
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  • Snapchat Me That...... If It's...Cool

    Snapchat Me That...... If It's...Cool
    In the summer of 2011, three men from Kappa Sig at Stanford University came up with this idea for an app that would allow pictures to disappear after being sent. By fall 2011, high school kids from around the nation were flocking to the app, after realizing anything they post on social media will stay there and that snapchat cancels that out (or so they thought). Snapchat stands out compared to other social medias.
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