Timeline of Hallie and the US Government

  • Hallie is Born

    Hallie is Born
    Hallie was born on this day in history. She weighed 7 lbs 12 oz., and would be the first and only child of Deborah and Donald Ahrens. This event would set the foundation for everything in Hallie's life.
  • The Attacks on 9/11

    The Attacks on 9/11
    On this day in history, the World Trade Center in New York City was struck down by hijacked commercial planes, causing thousands of casualities. The crimes were committed by Islamic terrorist group, al-Qaeda, under the actions of Osama bin Laden. This event would forever change American history, for it would spark a sense of nationalism throughout the country. Security has also skyrocketed in its amount since the event. (http://www.911memorial.org)
  • The US Begins the Afghanistan War

    The US Begins the Afghanistan War
    The United States initiated this "war on terrorism" shortly after the attacks on 9/11. On this date, the country dropped bombs with the British support upon Afghanistan. This would be the beginning to one of the longest wars in United States history, and forever affect foreign relations with the Middle East. (http://www.cfr.org)
  • Annie is Born

    Annie is Born
    Annie Bender, Hallie's first and only cousin, was born on September 27th, 2002. As they are both only children, they are the closest each other has to a sibling. This day would forever impact Hallie's childhood and remaining life. Without Annie, every aspect of Hallie's life would be altered - interests, personality, time spent, sense of humor, etc.
  • The US Department of Homeland Security is Founded

    The US Department of Homeland Security is Founded
    The US Department of Homeland Security was created to defend the nation against both man-made and natural attacks. The idea for such a department resulted from the attacks on 9/11. It was decided after this event that the United States needed extra protection from potential dangers. (http://www.allgov.com)
  • The US Starts the Iraq War

    The US Starts the Iraq War
    George W. Bush declared war on Iraq on this day. He was convinced that the country had a mass supply of deadly nuclear weapons that needed to be prevented from usage. The war was also an excuse to steal some of Iraq's rich oil supply. It put America trillions of dollars and thousands of lives in debt. (https://thinkprogress.org)
  • Nancy Pelosi is First Female Speaker of the House

    Nancy Pelosi is First Female Speaker of the House
    It was on this day in American history that Nancy Pelosi became the first female Speaker for the House of Representatives.This was a humongous achievement for women in a male-dominated society. Pelosi was also very liberal in her views, comapred to the other Congressmen. (www.thenation.com)
  • First Day of Kindergarten

    First Day of Kindergarten
    This was Hallie's first day of public education. She was too young to realize it at the time, but she would be taking her first steps into a completely different universe than she knew. This event marked the beginning of Hallie's education, true social life, and learning about the "real world".
  • The Great Recession Begins

    The Great Recession Begins
    The Great Recession began in December 2007 and lasted until June 2009. This event was major for the economy of the country - it caused millions of people to lose their jobs, poverty to rise, and families to lose their health insurance. It was the most effective economic downfall since the Great Depression in the 1930s. (http://stateofworkingamerica.org)
  • Traveling to Ithaca, NY

    Traveling to Ithaca, NY
    It was a delightfully warm August in the few days that Hallie and her family stayed in Ithaca, NY, for the first time. Even in those early years, I could understand that there was something magical about the place. The gorgeous gorges, lush mountains, and fascinating rocks all contributed to Ithaca's beauty. Following this visit, Hallie's love for traveling grows stronger with every day.
  • Obama Becomes President

    Obama Becomes President
    On this day in history, Senator Barack Obama of lllinois became President of the United States, with 365 electoral and 53% popular vote. He defeated Senator John McCain of Arizona. This event was monumental, for he was the first African-American president for America. He would continue to be the nation's leader for eight years. (http://www.history.com/)
  • The Affordable Care Act is Enacted

    The Affordable Care Act is Enacted
    On this date, President Barack Obama signed the Affordable Health Care Act into law. Also known as "Obamacare", this act would be one of the beginning steps to help families get health insurance after The Great Recession. It was made to help ensure higher quality medical help at easier access to Americans. (http://obamacarefacts.com)
  • Don't Ask, Don't Tell Act is Repealed

    Don't Ask, Don't Tell Act is Repealed
    It was on this day that the discriminatory Don't Ask, Don't Tell Act was repealed. The document had made it legal for qualified members of the LGBT+ community to be refused the right to serve. The repealing of this outdated document has opened new oppurtunities to the community and the United States Military. (http://www.hrc.org)
  • Osama bin Laden is Killed

    Osama bin Laden is Killed
    Osama bin Laden was the organizer of 9/11 and other life-costing events throughout the world. He formed the terrorist group al-Qaeda, which would perform these tasks. It was on this day that American soldiers found him hiding in Abbottabad, Pakistan, and killed him. His death would prevent any further terrorist actions by him from occurring. (http://www.pbs.org)
  • Making Friends With Kara Wall

    Making Friends With Kara Wall
    It was on this first day of fourth grade that Hallie was re-introduced to another girl, Kara Wall. The meeting was simple; Kara had gone up to her and said, "We're going to be best friends!" Hallie brushed the comment aside, knowing it wouldn't come true. How wrong she was. Ever since then, her personality, habits, interests, and way of expression has completely changed to that of Kara.
  • NASA Lands on Mars

    NASA Lands on Mars
    Aeronautic scientific history was made on this day, for NASA landed the Mars Rover on the surface of the red planet. The Rover would allow humans to observe the geology of Mars from Earth. This is a gigantic step for America and mankind, for it has opened a whole world of possibilities for space travel in the future. (http://science1.nasa.gov)
  • First Day of Junior High

    First Day of Junior High
    It was on September 4th, 2013, that Hallie transitioned from child to young adult. She did not realize it at the time, but Abington Junior High School would forever impact her academic, social, and personal lives. She made lots of amazing friends, dealt with loss, and learned how to handle repsonsibility.
  • The Government Shutdown

    The Government Shutdown
    The most recent government shutdown occurred on this date. The reason for the event is that Congress could not agree on how much money should be budgeted for the federal government. They could not reach a conclusion soon enough, causing for the government shutdown. It caused certain services, such as the National Zoo and National Parks, to close temporarily. (http://abcnews.go.com)
  • Hallie Becomes an Adult Jew

    Hallie Becomes an Adult Jew
    Hallie was Bat Mitzvahed on June 7th, 2014. On this day, she led a Jewish service and read from the holy book, the Torah. Hallie became an adult in the Jewish community on this day in history.
  • Same-Sex Marriage Nationally Legalized

    Same-Sex Marriage Nationally Legalized
    The Supreme Court ruled on this day that all 50 Sates must allow same-sex marriage. This is one of the biggest breakthroughs in American LGBT+ history. Same-sex couples were finally granted one of the priveleges that opposite-sex couples had always possessed. (http://www.npr.org)
  • Pepper the Cat Enters

    Pepper the Cat Enters
    It was on this day in Hallie's life that her first cat, Pepper, was adopted. He was a young, thin tabby at the time - now he is hearty and happy. Pepper has been a wonderful experience for Hallie because he is loving, fierce, and a lesson on repsonsibility. He is a great compainion for Hallie as she explores life.
  • Diplomatic Relations With Cuba Restored

    Diplomatic Relations With Cuba Restored
    On this day, Cuba and The United States reinstituted each other's embassies in each other's capitals. The two countries reopened diplomatic relations for the first time in fifty years. It ended the embargo on trade with Cuba, which allowed for more economic prosperity. (http://www.cfr.org)
  • Meeting Kristina Webb

    Meeting Kristina Webb
    On this date, Hallie got to meet her artistic inspiration, Kristina Webb. Kristina is a twenty-one year old artist from New Zealand with a heavy social media presence. After the day, Hallie felt more encouraged to pursue her interest in drawing and design. Her art has not been the same since.
  • Dating a Meme™

    Dating a Meme™
    On this day in Hallie's life, she was asked out on a date to the movies by Harambe*. They went to see the remake of The Jungle Book two days later. This event has made a humongous significance on Hallie's life, for she and Harambe* have been happily together ever since. Harambe has inroduced her to so many wonderful places, hobbies, and memes, that it is irrefutable that he has made an impact on her life. *Harambe - Hallie's boyfriend
  • Hillary Clinton is First Female Nominated to be POTUS

    Hillary Clinton is First Female Nominated to be POTUS
    At the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Hillary Clinton became the first woman nominated to be President of the United States. This is a humongous deal for women's history. She would also be the first President whose spouse was also leader of the United States. (https://www.washingtonpost.com)