Hawaii Histort

  • 500

    The Polynesians arrive in Hawaii

    • the Polynesians set the basic culture of Hawaii which form the Hawaii today.
  • Kamehameha 1 unifies the islands as an independent Kingdom

    He set the basic rule of how a ruler should be.
  • Protestant missionaries arrived and converted many Hawaiians to Christianity

    Christianity become one of the major religion in Hawaii.
  • The first sugar plantation is established on Kauai Island

    the sugar plantation brought up the economy of Hawaii.
  • The Republic of Hawaii was established

    they gain their independence or freedom
  • Hawaii's state flag is replaced by the United States' "Stars and Stripes"

    U.S stands for powerful, so does the fag, which Hawaii will be protected.
  • Hawaii becomes a Territory of the United States

    Hawaii gain more protection from U.S
  • President Roosevelt was the first US President to visit Hawaii

    proving that Hawaii is truly one of U.S
  • Pearl Harbor

    the attack from Japan causes many death and destruction
  • Hawaii becomes one of the 50 states in America

    Hawaii lose their independence and become one of the 50 states of America. This might cause some dissatisfaction among some people.