Hayly Day Timeline

  • Period: Sep 30, 1400 to

    exploration to the turn of the century

  • Oct 13, 1492

    Voyage of Christopher Columbus

    Voyage of Christopher Columbus
    Spanish rulers gave Christopher Columbus money to support his voyage across the Alantic ocean. His accomplishment was getting to the Caribbean land which lead to many more voyages. The arrival of Europeans had serious effects on Native Americans speading diseases and making them work in harsh conditions.
  • Oct 14, 1492

    The Americas, West Afirica, and Europe

    The Americas, West Afirica, and Europe
    Native American, West African, and european people lived in complex societies. many of theses groups survived by hunting and farming. Farming developed civilization.
  • Spanish Conquered Native Americans

    Spanish Conquered Native Americans
    Spanish conquered Native American civilization and took large amounts of gold and sliver from their land and settled in the region the became Florida, New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas
  • British Colonies

    British Colonies
    Beggining in the early 1600s, the English established colonies along the Eastern coast of North America. Colonies struggled until settlers began to farm. Wealth begin when trade grew with other groups of people such as Native Americans.
  • Colonies Come of Age

    Colonies Come of Age
    Colonies created rural society based on farming. Most people worked on small farms growing tabacco, rice, and indigo. Plantations dominated society and the economy, plantation owners used enslaved Africans as workers.
  • Colonial Resistance and Rebellion

    Colonial Resistance and Rebellion
    Conflicts between Great Britian and the American colonists escalated, until the colonists finally declared their independence.
  • The War for Independence

    The War for Independence
    American victories reversed British advances during the American Revolutionary War.
  • Confederation and the Constitution

    Confederation and the Constitution
    American leaders created the Constitution as a blueprint of government for the United States.
  • The Jeffersonian Era

    The Jeffersonian Era
    During the presidencies of Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, the country grew in both size and prestige.
  • Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny
    Through settlement and war, the United States greatly expanded its boundries during the mid-1800s.
  • Cultures Clash on the Prairie

    Cultures Clash on the Prairie
    The cattle industry boomed in the late 1800s, as the culture of the Plains Indians declined.
  • The Age of Jackson

    The Age of Jackson
    During a time of growing sectionalisim, Andrew Jackson's election in 1828 ushered in a new era of popular democracy.
  • Settling on the Great Plains

    Settling on the Great Plains
    Settlers on the Great Plains tranformed the land despite great hardships.
  • The Divisive Politics of Slavery

    The Divisive Politics of Slavery
    Disagreements over slavery heightened regional tensions and led to the break of the Union
  • The Civil War Begins

    The Civil War Begins
    Shortly after the nation's Southern states seceded form the Union, war began between the North and South
  • The North Takes Charge

    The North Takes Charge
    After four years of bloody fighting, the Union wore down the Confereracy and won the war.
  • Reconstruction and Its Effects

    Reconstruction and Its Effects
    After the Civil War, the nation embarked on a period known as Reconstruction. during which attempts were made to readmit the South to the Union.
  • Reforming American Society

    Reforming American Society
    Throughout the mid-19th century, men and women who aw problems with American society embarked on a widespread effort to solve them.
  • The Market Reolution

    The Market Reolution
    Inventions and economic developements in the early 19th century helped transform American society.
  • Expansion of Industry

    Expansion of Industry
    At the end of the 19th century, natural resources, creative ideas, and growing markets fueled an industrial boom.