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Health Life Timeline

  • Period: to

    Ages 20-30

    -Playing on a tennis team, running 3 times a weak, portioning my food, wearing lots of sunscreen, good hygiene, finding a PHP and having a medical check up every year, having a gynecological exam and breast exam every 2 years, get regular immunizations
  • Period: to

    Ages 30-40

    On the tennis team,yoga 3 times a week, running twice a week, wearing lots of sunscreen, monitoring my BMI, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels, participate in diagnostic tests and screenings, building muscle, taking care of back pain, using moisturizer and cleanser for skin care, participates in skin cancer and cholesterol screenings, hearing tests, eye exams, and immunizations
  • Period: to

    Ages 40-50

    On the tennis team but reduced to once a week, trying to reduce stress, checking my blood glucose and BMI, keeping up with my skin and wearing sunscreen, getting a check up every 2 years, dental exam and cleaning, blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes screening, baseline skin exam, immunizations, annual clinical breast exam, pelvic exam, pap test and bone density test
  • Period: to

    Ages 50-60

    Yoga, hiking, and jogging, eating healthy, staying active physically and mentally, getting a lot of sleep and reducing stress, get my screenings, physical exam, dental exam, colorectal cancer screening, skin exam, EKG, immunizations, annual clinic breast exam, HPV test and bone density test.
  • Period: to

    Ages 60-70

    Taking walks, stretching, swimming learn about warning signs for medical conditions, maintaining a healthy weight and eating fruits and veggies, fiber rich whole grains, low fat dairy products, and lean meats, see health care provider regularly, annual flu vaccine, blood pressure screening, bone density test, breast exam and mammogram, colonoscopy, rectal exam and fecal occult blood test, blood glucose test, hepatitis vaccines, pap test, pelvic test, skin exam, thyroid test, PSA test