heilen moreno. my life so far.

  • my birth

    I was born on January 28, 2002, in the city of Cali
  • I start my studies

    I start my studies
    I started my studies at the Francisco J Ruiz School
  • I graduate from elementary school

    finish my studies in elementary school, I studied for the s 6 years, in the same school.
  • I start volleyball training.

    I start volleyball training.
    I started playing volleyball in a hotbed, I am very passionate about this sport
  • I participate in a municipal tournament

    I participate in a municipal tournament
    It was a tournament that was played in the Valle del Cauca league, anxious and full of nerves
  • I start to dance salsa

    I start to dance salsa
    my mother convinces me to enter a dance school, after much insistence, accept.
  • I quit volleyball: /

    due to corruption problems within the organization, I prefer to stop playing volleyball
  • I make my first presentation

    I make my first presentation
    My first presentation, it was in a theater, I was very nervous, but really wanting to dance
  • change of academy

    Due to problems with the professor at the academy, I decided to retire and go to another.
  • waiting for my graduation

    Almost, it is the culmination of my last year, I hope everything goes well and I can graduate.