
Historical and social change in the concept of childhood

  • 322 BCE

    Educational Problems

    Educational Problems
    In many writings Aristotle expresses interest in educational problems in order to contribute to the formation of men.
  • 354

    Related works

    Related works
    St. Augustine in his Confessions speaks of the importance of educating with love.
  • 478

    Children Responsabilities

    Children Responsabilities
    Women took their time for dressing their children so that adults don’t have to pay attention of them.
  • Period: May 11, 1492 to Jul 29, 1540

    Different education for children

    Luis Vives expressed an interest in the child's development, for individual differences, for the education of " abnormal" and the need to adapt education to individual cases and levels.
  • Period: to

    Thoughts and criticism

    Some thinkers were concerned to adapt education to the child and criticize traditional teaching practices.
  • Neglection

    There was a massive mortality and abandonment of children in the streets and churches.
  • Period: to

    State of childhood

    Abad Bérulle wrote: “There is no worse, more vile and abject, after death, that childhood. A concern for children was observed. The child is conceived as a homunculus (miniature man).
  • The role of the mother

    The role of the mother
    Comenius said “we should educate both boys and girls and the role of the mother as first educator”.
  • Changes in teaching

    Changes in teaching
    Felipe prohibits grammar taught in the homes of "foundlings" breaking the tradition of the church in favor of the lower classes.
  • Experiences and habits

    Experiences and habits
    Locke insists on the importance of experience and habits proposing a vision of the newborn as a tabula rasa. the child is not born good or evil, but all he gets to do and be dependent on their experiences.
  • Hospital

    Creation of the first hospital for abandoned children
  • Education for all

    Education for all
    The bishop Comenius highlights the importance of educating everyone and affirms family is important in education.
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    Jean-Jacques Rousseau
    The piece of Jean-Jacques Rousseau “Émile ou de l’éducation”. It contains basic principles of how to educate children. His most influential idea is “the child is naturally good”.
  • Infant mortality

    Infant mortality
    Decrease in infant mortality : the child is no longer an "inevitable loss" and gradually disappears the previous idea of the child as "necessary waste"
  • Parents and children

    Parents and children
    Froebel highlights the importance of developing games for children and the need for interaction between parents and children.
  • Industrial revolution

    Industrial revolution
    The need to provide schooling was a primary goal because children stop going to work and they had left too many hours of entertainment.
  • Adaptation and education methods

    Adaptation and education methods
    Teaching is adapted to the conditions and characteristics of children based on instructionist methods.
  • Adaptation and education methods

    Adaptation and education methods
    Teaching is adapted to the conditions and characteristics of children based on instructionist methods.
  • Zerda Plan

    Zerda Plan
    The zerda plan raises the importance of encouraging children in observation and research to feel the joy of discovery
  • Teaching objective

    Teaching objective
    They begin to raise questions about whether the teaching objective is for all children or whether it is suitable only for young children.
  • Period: to


    Appear the legal category of " minor" focusing on the punitive mechanisms - care.
  • Psychology and education

    Psychology and education
    It is speaking of " active methods " in the "Applied Psychology to Education Handbook". In Pestalozzi childhood is assumed as a chronological time. Pestalozzi exceeds the concept of childhood as a place of sin and error, to point as the space of the "confused intuitions "