• World War 1

    WWI was a horrific battle lasting four years taking over 61,000 Canadian lives. World war one wasn't Canada's choice though as they had to aid Britain with whom we had foreign affairs with. Lasting four grueling years the allies which included Canada would end up winning the battle with the help of America near the end.
  • Canadian Conscription

    This was a big political change in Canada's history. The Canadian conscription really showed our loyalty to the British because we forced men to go help at war and help the British and our other allies. Another reason why this is important is because it gave some women the right to vote for the first time ever. This changes the history of Canada because we would grow on this, building equal rights in Canada for both men and women.
  • Winnipeg strike

    The Winnipeg strike was a big political change in Canadian history because it was the first time Canada has ever seen a strike this big and didn't know how to deal with it. During the strike, 30,000 people left their jobs striking for better wages and working conditions for themselves. Some things to come out of this strike are what we call now the new democratic party. The government ended up folding and the strikers won.
  • Canada co-founds league of nations

    The league of nations was an organization of 63 nations to protect each other, maintain peace, and make sure everything is in order. The league fell out unfortunately but this was a big step for Canada making a plethora of new alliances that could have helped us then or
    can help us now. Turned into the united nations after WWII
  • Arthur Meigan gets elected prime minister

    Mr Meigan was a big change in the government scene. Mr Meigan was a really big part in ending the Winnipeg strike which was a benefit for everyone involved. With his biggest accomplishment being a big factor in the British renewing the anglo-japanese agreement which was a bill that stated that the British and the Japanese were alliances and helped to terminate that.
  • Irene Parlby elected

    Irene Parlby getting elected was a huge step in bringing equality between men and women in Canada. She was the second woman ever in the British Empire to hold ministerial office and she was particularly active on issues related to public health care, improved wages for working women and married women's property rights. She also made the Community of Property Bill.
  • added to Irene

    “all property brought into a marriage by a woman, or acquired as an inheritance or gift remains in her name. It also said that all other property gained during the marriage would remain community property” (Cavanaugh and McLeod, 2009). Which bill is still used to this day.
  • Cape Breton strike

    The Cape Breton strike happened in 1922 lasting four long years. The coal miners went on strike for better living conditions and a pay raise. The mining companies wouldn't budge though even in 1922, the companies made a one-third reduction in wage so the workers slowed down their working rate by one third to try and get back at the companies. There was even a death in the protesting William Davis killed by the company police.
  • Chinese immigration act

    The chinese immigration act was an act where the Canadian government wanted to ban all the Chinese immigrants coming to Canada because there was an influx of them immigrating for the British Columbia gold rush. For 24 years only merchants, diplomats, and foreign students could come into Canada. The Chinese people that were already in Canada earned lower wages, treated poorly, and weren't allowed to vote.
  • Chinese immigration act +

    This then introduced head tax which was a fixed fee charged to each Chinese person entering Canada and at its worst, cost $500. This wasn't fully scrubbed until 1967.
  • Balfour report

    This is an important political change in Canada's political history because this was a big leap in Canada becoming an independent country. Because before Canada was in the British empire with some other countries and they were in higher power than Canada. But then Balfour made the report that said all the countries in the empire are equal in power. This was a big decision because now Canada could make decisions without going to Britain.
  • Cause and consequence

    Cause and consequence is WWI and the league of nations. The cause is world war one and all the deaths, killings, and violence that went one throughout those four years all those 63 countries decided to found the league of nations so there's peace between all of the major countries in the world to prevent anything like that to happen again
  • Continuity and change

    Continuity and change is Arthur Meigan being elected prime minister and Irene Parlby getting elected for ministerial office. This demonstrates continuity and change because women never got chosen to be in major governmental positions with men taking all of them and Arthur just being a demonstration. When Irene Parlby got elected for office she was a big advocate for women and getting them more rights and being a voice for them.
  • Continuity and change +

    As we can see in 2020 the government is full of women doing just as good and sometimes even better than men who were so sought after back then.