history chap 1-2

By AY24
  • Period: to

    1800 - 1867, about 5% of Canadian folk live in cities. By 1867, about 20% of Canadians live in the city.

  • 1840 - Act of Union, what are now Upper and Lower Canada join together,

  • 1842 - In Britain, boys under 10 years of age, as well as all girls are banned from working in coal mines.

  • Period: to

    1850 - 1859 - Joseph Salter gets into shipbuilding industries. It makes him plenty of money. However, when the industry fell, he resorted to mining.

  • 1854 - The US and Britain both sign a free trade agreement, known today as the Reciprocity Agreement.

  • 1861 - The US breaks into a civil war, although the war was mostly the northern states vs the southern states.

  • 1862 - Smallpox attacks the First Nations. It apparently came from San Fransicso, and it killed 32 thousand peoplle.