History: Chapters17-19

  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    The Governement land could be bought for $1.25 an acre, or claimed free if a homesteader worked it for 5 years. Page: 457 Davidson, Delay, Heyrman, Lytle, Stoff
  • Period: to

    Sherry Tetschner History

  • The Fourteenth Amendment

    The Fourteenth Amendment
    The Fourteenth Amendment guranteed repayment of the national war debt and prohibited repayment of the confederate debt. Page: 443 Davidson, Delay, Heyrman, Lytle, Stoff
  • Treaty of Fort Laramie

    Treaty of Fort Laramie
    The Treaty of Fort Laramie established two large Indian Reservations, one in Oklahoma and the other in the Dakota Badlands Page: 476 Davidson, Delay, Heyrman, Lytle, Stoff
  • Fifteenth Amendment

    Fifteenth Amendment
    The 15th Amendment forbade any state to deny the right to vote on grounds of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. Page: 454 Davidson, Delay, Heyrman, Lytle, Stoff
  • Civil Rights Act of 1875

    Civil Rights Act of 1875
    This law prohibited racial discriminations in all public accomodations. transportation, places of amusement, and juries. Page: 455 Davidson, Delay, Heyrman, Lytle, Stoff
  • Mississippi Plan

    Mississippi Plan
    The Mississippi Plan was the decision to use as much violence as necessary to carry the state election. Page: 457 Davidson, Delay, Heyrman, Lytle, Stoff
  • Black Education

    Black Education
    At this time, nearly 40% of all African-American children were enrolled in schools. Page: 454 Davidson, Delay, Heyrman, Lytle, Stoff
  • Dawes Severalty Act of 1887

    Dawes Severalty Act of 1887
    This act ended Reservation policies, by permitting the president to distribute land to indians who had severed their attachments to their tribes. Page: 479-480 Davidson, Delay, Heyrman, Lytle, Stoff