History of Animation

  • Thaumatrope was created by paul roget

    Thaumatrope was created by paul roget
    Paul Roget used the thaumatrope in 1828 to demonstarte his persistence of vision contact. experimentsinmotion.com
  • Phenakistoscope (spindle viewer) created by joseph plateau

    Phenakistoscope (spindle viewer) created by joseph plateau
    Belgion Physicist Joseph Plateau and his sons introduced the phenakistoscope. it was also invented in depependently in the same year by Simon ron Stanpfer of Vienna, Austria. The phenakistoscope used a spinning disk attached vertically to a handle. en.wikipedia.org
  • The Zoetrope intevented by William Horner

    The Zoetrope intevented by William Horner
    ('wheel of the devil') then named Wheel of Life, more than ome person could use it at the same time cylinder with slits cut vertically in the sides.
  • The Praxinoscope invented by Channes-Emite Reynald

    The Praxinoscope invented by Channes-Emite Reynald
    Invented in France in 1877 by Chanes-emite Reynald it was an improvement of photography. telegraph.co.uk
  • Georges Melies

    Georges Melies
    He began making films and was a magician expert in special effects for theate. In 1902 he made his most famous film "A Trip To The moon" drnorth.wordpress.com
  • J.stuart Blackton

    J.stuart Blackton
    A vaudeville performer kown as "The Komikal Rartoonist" lighthing- fast sketches interested in putting them in chalkboard, created humorous phases of funny faces. elmarcosluckydel96.dev
  • Winsor Mccay

    Winsor Mccay
    Worked as a cartoonist for several newspapers, 1912 animated 'How a Mosquito Operates". commons.wikimedia.org
  • Fleisher Studios

    Fleisher Studios
    Max and Felix created "koko the clown" and "out of the inkwell" Max invented the rotoscope a machine that allowed an artist to trace over 1930 with Betty Boop.
  • The golden age of animation

    The golden age of animation
    many films studios the multi-plane where in california disney studios waener metro- goldwyn mayer unversal.
  • walt disney

    walt disney
    Disney released the first full lenght animated film the pencil test