
History of Animation

  • Inovation of the Thaumatrope

    Inovation of the Thaumatrope
    Created by John Ayerton Paris
  • Birth of Photography

    Birth of Photography
    Created by Joseph Niepce. Assisted by Louis Daquerre
  • Inovation of the Phenakistoscope

    Inovation of the Phenakistoscope
    Created by Belgian Physcist, Joseph Plauteau.
  • Inovation of the Zoetrope

    Inovation of the Zoetrope
    Invented by William Horner, originally called Daedalum
  • Innovation of the Praxinoscope

    Innovation of the Praxinoscope
    Invented by Charles Emile Reynaud
  • Birth of Narrative Films

    Birth of Narrative Films
    Premire inventor: Thomas Alva Edison developed a motion picture camera (kineograph) and a projector (kinetoscope)
  • Otto Messmer

    Otto Messmer
    created felix the cat for pat sullivan studios.
  • Walt Disney relocated to Southern California

    Walt Disney relocated to Southern California
  • Sound was added to films

    Sound was added to films
    silent movie era. sound wasnt added until now
  • Disney relased first full length animated feature film

    Disney relased first full length animated feature film