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History of Animation

  • phenakistoscope

    Invented by a Belgium physicist Joseph plateau introdcued the spindle viewer.It was also invented by simon von stamper.
  • zoetrope

    The device was invented in 1834 by william horner, who orginally called it a daedalum (wheel of the devil). later, it was renamed the zoetrope, or wheel of life.
  • The thaumatrope

    The thaumatrope
    Decive created by English physican john ayrton
  • Birth of photography

    Birth of photography
    Eastman introduced felxable film to the average american.
  • Motion picture in america

    Motion picture in america
    Thomas Alva Edison, developed a motion picture camer the kine to graph in 1891
  • A trip to the Moon

    Georges melies made his most famous film, "A trip to the moon." the film included the celebrated scene in which a spaceship hits the man in the moon the eyes.
  • rotoscope

    Max fleischer invented the rotoscope to develope animation from.
  • Walt Diesny

    Walt Diesny
    located in south carlifornia for animation industry.
  • SteamBoat Willi

    SteamBoat Willi
    First to release sound through this animated film.
  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

    Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
    First animated film to be full length