history of animation

  • thaumatrope

    this device was created by english physician jhon ayerton paris which has two diffrent drawings on opposite sides of the disk.when the disc is spun the images merge into one
  • birth of photography

    birth of photography
    animation on film was only possible because of invention of photography in 1827 by joseph niepce
  • phenakistoscope

    belgian physicist joseph plateau and his sons introduce the phenakistoscope ("spindle viewer"). it was also invented independently in the same year by simon von stampfer of vienna,Austria
  • zeotrope

    this device was inveted by william horner who origanally called it a deadalum ("wheel of the devil")later it was named "zeotrope" or "wheel of life"
    it was more convinient since it did not require a mirror and allowed more than one person to use it at the same time
  • improvement of photography

    the technology behind photography improved dramataclly in the last half of the 19th century
  • praxinoscope

    was invented in france by charles-emile reynaud
  • motion pictures in america

    americas premier inventor,thomas alva edison,developed a motion picture camera
    edison filmed random events like haircuts,boxingjmatches etc.
  • birth of narrative films