Eastern southern immigration

History of Immigration

  • Period: Aug 3, 1492 to

    History of Immigration

  • Nov 13, 1492

    Columbus Discovers New World

    Columbus Discovers New World
    Christopher Columbus lands in the Bahamas. European Colonization of North and South America begins.
  • Jamestown Fort Founded

    Jamestown Fort Founded
    The Jamestown fort in Jamestown, Virginia becomes the first permanent English Settlement in the New World.
  • Mayflower Reaches Plymouth Rock

    Mayflower Reaches Plymouth Rock
    The Mayflower, carrying English pilgrims, land at Plymouth Rock. The Pilgrims draft and sign the Mayflower Compact, the first constitution-like document in the New World.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
  • Naturalization Act of 1790

    Naturalization Act of 1790
    This act designed a consistent set of standards for the naturalization of U.S. residents. It only offers a path to naturalization for people who are "free white persons" and of "good moral character."
  • The Naturalization Act of 1798

    The Naturalization Act of 1798
    Part of the Alien and Sedition Acts, this act allowed president John Adams to deport political opponents, and raised the residency requirement to 14 years to marginalize the new immigrants who primarily voted for the Republican Party.
  • Manifest of Immigrants Act of 1819

    Manifest of Immigrants Act of 1819
    Congress passes a law that requires shipmasters to provide manifests of all the immigrants they are bringing to the US. This act also required the Secretary of State to report the annual number of immigrants to Congress.
  • Statistical Milestone

    Statistical Milestone
    Between 1830-1840 600,000 immigrants arrive in the US.
  • Italian Economy Collapses

    Italian Economy Collapses
    Over the next 20 years nearly 4 million Italian Immigrants will arrive in the U.S.
  • Czar Alexander Assassinated

    Czar Alexander Assassinated
    Beware of the Ides of March. The ensuing political unrest causes nearly 3 million Russians to emigrate the U.S. over a 40 year span.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    Signed by President Chester A. Arthur this legislation prohibited any Chinese Laborers from entering the U.S. It was initially intended to last for 10 years.
  • Act to Regulate Immigration

    Act to Regulate Immigration
    This regulation stated that anybody coming into the United States "...must be able to sustain themselves without becoming a liability to the public."
  • Alien Contract Labor Law

    Alien Contract Labor Law
  • Immigration Restriction League Founded

    Immigration Restriction League Founded
    The IRL attempts to educate the public on the need for laws that restrict immigration.
  • Spanish American War

    Spanish American War
    U.S. acquires the territories of Puerto Rico and Guam.
  • The Nationalization Act

    The Nationalization Act
    Passed by Theodore Roosevelt this act made it mandatory for immigrants to learn English before they could become naturalized.
  • Statistical Milestone

    Statistical Milestone
    In 1910 14.7% of the U.S. population was foreign born. This was the highest level since the American Revolution.
  • Dillingham Commission

    Dillingham Commission
    In an effort to solve the Southwest labor shortage, the Dillingham Commission allows Mexican immigrants to come to the U.S. without having to pay a head tax.
  • Arizona Becomes a State

    Arizona Becomes a State
  • U.S. Enters World War 1

    U.S. Enters World War 1
    Anti-German sentiment and xenophobia rise.
  • Immigration Act of 1924

    Immigration Act of 1924
    This law set annual quotas in attempt to stem the flow of immigrants from specific countries.
  • Lemon Grove Incident

    Lemon Grove Incident
    Superior Court of San Diego ruled that segregating Mexican immigrants in separate schools was unconstitutional.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    Surprise attack on Pearl Harbor Naval base in Hawaii. U.S. becomes involved in World War 2.
  • Japanese Internment Begins

    Japanese Internment Begins
    FDR begins the internment of Japanese-American citizens.
  • Bracero Program

    Bracero Program
    U.S. begins bringing Mexican migrant workers into the Southwest to help with the war effort.
  • Magnuson Act

    Magnuson Act
    This law repealed the Chinese Exclusion act of 1882.
  • War Bride Act

    War Bride Act
    Many GIs got married while they were serving during World War 2. This law granted their foreign born wives U.S. citizenship.
  • Stainback V. Mo Hock Ke Lok Po

    Stainback V. Mo Hock Ke Lok Po
    Hawaii district court rules that statute forbidding gifted children from learning a foreign language was unconstitutional.
  • Ellis Island Closes

    Ellis Island Closes
  • Cuban Revolution

    Cuban Revolution
    Fidel Castro and Che Guevara succesfully revolt in Cuba. In the following months 200,000 Cubans emigrate to the U.S.
  • Bracero Program Ends

    Bracero Program Ends
    The Bracero Program ends, but undocumented migrant workers continue to flow into the Southwest.
  • Armed Forces Naturalization Act

    Armed Forces Naturalization Act
    This act allowed immigrants to become naturalized through service in the United States Military.
  • Census Estimates

    Census Estimates
    The 1980 Census estimates that between 2-4 million immigrants are living in the US illegally.
  • Immigration Reform and Control Act

    This act granted citizenship to qualified illegal immigrants who entered the US before 1982.
  • National Count of Unauthorized Immigrants

    National Count of Unauthorized Immigrants
    The first detailed account of unauthorized immigrants in the US estimates that 3.4 million people reside in the US illegally.
  • California's Prop 187 is Declared Unconstitutional

    California's Prop 187 is Declared Unconstitutional
    This proposition would have denied healthcare, education, and welfare benefits to illegal immigrants.
  • US DHS Estimates

    US DHS Estimates
    The US Department of Homeland Security estimates that 11.7 million illegal immigrants reside in the US
  • SB 1070 Passed

    This law made it a misdemeanor for an alien immigrant to be in Arizona with carrying required documents, and allowed officers to determine a person's immigration status during a lawful traffic stop if the officer had reasonable suspicion.